Internship Sustainable Supply Chain

  • Stageplaats
  • Eindhoven


Interfood has embedded Sustainability in its global strategy, covering multiple elements of sustainability in the whole chain of milk production, from cow to customer. However the majority of the emissions are at farm-level, Interfood has the ambition to reduce emissions in all elements of the chain, also transport & warehousing.

In order to create value with the sustainability strategy in the field of Logistics, Interfood is looking for opportunities. Therefore an update of actual C02 reduction possibilities in the logistic market is required. As Interfood is acting as 4PL, without own assets, a market research with its current logistic service providers is also requested.

Next, besides all completed transfers from truck to intermodal, Interfood is looking to find a value proposition for its customers: what CO2 benefits do extra intermodal lanes have, despite the higher transport price. Having this insights, customers can be given a choice to request the most CO2-friendly transport having insight in extra costs.

As our new intern you :

  • conduct market research with all current sustainability possibilities for transport companies, acting in the business of Interfood.
  • identify Interfood’s current logistic partners, to get a total insight in running CO2 reduction programs / initiatives.
  • set-up a value proposition by creating a freight model, having insights (extra) costs for intermodal transport compared to CO2 benefits (quantified) in order to provide customers clear choices in types of transport.

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