Nike will not publish it’s Annual CSR Report

California Ruling Means Nike Will Not Release Annual Corporate Responsibility Report Nike, Inc. today (14/10) asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review an unprecedented California Supreme Court ruling that effectively does away with First Amendment protection for companies and organizations that speak out on public issues related to their business. In papers filed today with the U.S. Supreme Court, Nike argued that “Not since New York Times Co. v. Sullivan has [the U.S. Supreme] Court been confronted with a lower court ruling as profoundly destructive of free speech” as the decision in this case. Harvard University’s noted Constitutional scholar and leading Supreme Court advocate, Laurence Tribe, and former acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger, head of the Supreme Court practice at O’Melveny & Myers, LLP, prepared today’s filing. The company’s petition in Nike v. Kasky stems from a 4-3 ruling of the California Supreme Court sharply reducing the free speech rights of businesses and other groups, as well as the general public who want to hear about those operations. Today, Nike argued that the California ruling ignores decades of First Amendment decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has noted that free speech and debate must have “breathing space” if the freedoms of expression are to survive. ... lees meer

UK survey of verification of reports finds ethical dilemma

Corporate environmental and social reports are playing an increasingly vital role in building trust between companies and their stakeholders. ERM’s latest survey reveals that leading firms are beginning to question what they really want from verification. In the absence of agreed standards on what their reports should contain, senior managers are looking to verification to sharpen internal performance – particularly on ‘softer’ social issues – not just to provide a stamp of approval. ... lees meer


Special GRI UPDATE – WORLD SUMMIT ISSUE Contents: * 2002 Guidelines Released * GRI at the World Summit on Sustainable Development * Call for Nominations for Stakeholder Council * Join the Dialogue! * Paul Hohnen Appointed GRI Vice-President of Strategy * New GRI Secretariat Office in Amsterdam to Open This Month * More Organisations Use the Guidelines ... lees meer

Boekhoudfraude goed voor stichting GRI

(Gepubliceerd in Het Financieele Dagblad van 3 september 2002). Het Global Reporting Initiative werkt al vijf jaar aan verslagleggingsrichtlijnen voor bedrijven over mensen, milieu en winst. De boekhoudschandalen in de VS zorgden voor grotere waardering en belangstelling voor de stichting. Het was een race tegen de klok. Maar het Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – sinds zondag een Nederlandse stichting – heeft zijn nieuwe richtlijnen voor verslaglegging over economische, ecologische en sociaal-ethische prestaties van bedrijven op tijd in Johannesburg kunnen presenteren. Dat was belangrijk omdat de GRI het resultaat is van een gezamenlijk initiatief van het milieuprogramma van de Verenigde Naties (Unep) en Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (Ceres). ... lees meer

First in-depth research into the CSR reporting in annual reports

“All mouth, no trousers?” is the first in-depth research into the reporting of corporate responsibility in annual reports. Each annual report from the top 100 European companies has been examined for ethical statements. The 52 that contain some form of statement are then further evaluated to ascertain whether these claims ring true. Using a unique evaluation model, each report is scored according to three perspectives: integration, affirmation and substantiation. The resulting 130-page report contains a wealth of information about the reporting of corporate responsibility in company annual reports, as well as best practice advice. ... lees meer

DHV in het FD: “Maak van GRI verslag duurzaam ondernemen geen cijferbrij”

(Gepubliceerd in Het Financieele Dagblad van 18 juni 2002). De GRI-richtlijnen voor duurzaamheidsverslagen richten zich te veel op universeel ‘meetbare’ indicatoren. Het doel van één wereldwijde aanpak verdwijnt uit het zicht, stelt Thom Rutten Burgers, aandeelhouders en overheden verwachten dat bedrijven meer openheid verschaffen over hun maatschappelijke prestaties. Een van de communicatiemiddelen voor een bedrijf om deze transparantie te bieden is het duurzaamheidsverslag. In 1997 is een mondiaal initiatief gestart om via een wereldwijde stakeholdersdialoog te komen tot een standaard voor duurzaamheidsverslaglegging: het Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Dat mondde uit in richtlijnen voor duurzaamheidsverslaglegging, die in 2000 voor het eerst gepubliceerd werden. ... lees meer

June 2002 update Global Reporting Initiative

June 2002 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the following subjects: * GRI Develops Network in South Africa * Jo’burg Stock Exchange and GRI Reporting * Planning Meetings for November Briefing * HIV/AIDS Project Update * Still Time to Register for Asian Regional Conference * Comment Period on Draft Protocols Extended to 1 July * Progress on Guidelines Revisions * More Organisations Release Sustainability Reports ... lees meer

Media: Are they coming clean?

The influence of the media on public opinion is significant. How responsible are the worldÃ??s major media groups in the way they handle their position of power in society? Do they observe ethical standards that go beyond sensationalist headlines and viewing figures? This was just one of the issues examined by the team of analysts from oekom research. In addition to social responsibility, their behavior toward employees and observance of environmental standards were also investigated as part of the Corporate Responsibility Rating. A total of 25 companies are analyzed according to social and ecological criteria, including global players like News Corporation (US), Time Warner (US) and Bertelsmann (Germany). ... lees meer

Mutual Fund Reports on Environmental and Social Returns

All investors expect companies to report on their financial performance in a transparent way; so too do they expect transparent financial reporting from their mutual funds. Social investors are increasingly calling on companies they invest in to report on their social and environmental performance as well. Now, Norway-based Storebrand Investments is offering a mutual fund that reports on the social and environmental performance of the companies in its portfolio. ... lees meer

Proctor & Gamble: Goed doen uit eigen bedrijfsbelang

(Gepubliceerd in Het Financieele Dagblad van 1 mei 2002). Procter & Gamble maakt kwaliteit van het leven tot een bedrijfsdoel Wat heeft een zakelijk geleid bedrijf als Procter & Gamble bij Unicef te zoeken? De Amerikaanse fabrikant van waspoeder, luiers en shampoo bestrijdt samen met deze VN-organisatie de ondervoeding van Afrikaanse kinderen, onderricht Chinese jongeren over de basisbeginselen van persoonlijke hygiëne en voorziet een deel van Ethiopië van schoon en veilig drinkwater. ... lees meer