Paul Polman to Receive United Nations Champion of the Earth Award

Paul Polman has been announced as one of the winners of the UN’s highest environmental accolade for leading the private sector toward sustainability, both in his role as Unilever CEO and as a tireless advocate for more sustainable business models. Mr. Polman, who receives the award in the Entrepreneurial Vision category, is being recognized for […] ... lees meer

Jonge Nederlanders helpen de VN met duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen

Jonge ondernemende Nederlanders, verenigd in JCI, hebben deze week bij de Verenigde Naties in New York hun bijdrage geleverd aan het vaststellen van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties, de zogenaamde post-2014 ontwikkelingsagenda (de Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Wereldleiders zullen de nieuwe doelen definitief aannemen tijdens een VN-top over de agenda die van 25 […] ... lees meer

Beantwoording kamervragen kinderarbeid

Minister Ploumen (Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) heeft de kanervragen van het lid Van Laar (PvdA) over kinderarbeid (ingezonden 16 juni 2015) beantwoord. Antwoord van Minister Ploumen (Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) (ontvangen 21 juli 2015). Vraag 1 Heeft u kennisgenomen van de berichten «Kinderarbeid in Thaise garnalenindustrie» en «Gevaarlijke kinderarbeid in goudmijnen Ghana»?1 2 Antwoord 1 Ja. Vraag […] ... lees meer

ICC launches new tool to promote business sustainability

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has launched a radical update of its respected Business Charter for Sustainable Development. The 3rd edition of the ICC Charter has been designed to reflect a more holistic approach to sustainability, drawing on the expertise, experience and good practices of a broad range of international companies and business associations across […] ... lees meer

Topmannen 43 multinationals roepen op tot aanpak klimaatprobleem

Een groep topmannen van 43 grote bedrijven waaronder Unilever, ING, AkzoNobel en DSM, hebben een open brief geschreven over het klimaatprobleem. Ze dringen daarin aan bij wereldleiders op actie. Open Letter from Global CEOs to World Leaders Urging Concrete Climate Action: CEO-led initiative to create a fertile ground for a responsible and global climate deal […] ... lees meer

Executives Meet with UN Secretary-General to Advance Business Leadership on Sustainable Development and Climate Change

Global business leaders met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last week in Davos to advance the corporate statesmanship and transformative business leadership that is needed to address the world’s most critical challenges. The meeting was held as the year ahead presents an historic opportunity to adopt a new sustainable development agenda and to reach a global […] ... lees meer

Joining Forces for Business Action on Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the United Nations Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have joined forces to mobilize the private sector as a key player in achieving our world’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs, to be launched by the United Nations in September 2015, seek to end poverty, […] ... lees meer

Oproep ceo’s: ‘Spreek concrete duurzaamheidsdoelen af in Rio’

Wereldleiders moeten in Rio de Janeiro op de duurzaamheidtop Rio+20 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’, concrete duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen, formuleren. Dat zegt de Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, een groep Nederlandse duurzame multinationals, tegenover het ANP. Ook Bernard Wientjes, voorzitter van VNO-NCW, heeft deze boodschap ondertekend. ... lees meer

The BSD Global Guide: helping business to do better by doing good

A web-based guide that shows businesses how to enhance their bottom line by putting the principles of sustainable development into practice goes online Monday, December 3. Business and Sustainable Development – A Global Guide ( puts practical applications of sustainable business into the hands of corporate decision-makers. It was created through a partnership between the Canadian-based International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the independent, Swiss-based Foundation for Global Responsibility, which specializes in promoting sustainable business practices. -In the run-up to next year’s World Summit on Sustainable Development, industry is increasingly being put under the spotlight and expected to play its part in creating a world that’s fit for future generations,” said David Runnalls, President of IISD. -Sustainable development offers big opportunities for business. The so-called -triple bottom line’ – taking into account financial, environmental and social aspects – is now widely used in gauging business performance. Companies can no longer afford to ignore the social and environmental impacts of their activities.” ... lees meer