Koplopers in de bouw roepen bedrijfsleven en overheid op tot ‘Bouwen met Waarde(n)’

Namens ROCKWOOL, Heijmans, MVO Nederland, OVG Real Estate, Royal Haskoning DHV, VACpunt Wonen, De Groene Zaak, Dutch Green Building Council en DNA in de Bouw overhandigde Hannie Stappers, Director Public Affairs ROCKWOOL, op 26 september 2016 in Nieuwspoort het Manifest ‘Bouwen met Waarde(n)’ aan drs. Ferdi Licher, Programmadirecteur Bouwen en Energie van het Ministerie van […] ... lees meer

GSMA Publishes Report Detailing the Mobile Industry’s Impact in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

At the United Nations Private Sector Forum (20 September), the GSMA unveiled the `2016 Mobile Industry Impact Report: Sustainable Development Goals’, a ground-breaking study that provides a current assessment of the mobile industry’s impact in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and outlines future actions that will expand and strengthen that impact. The GSMA also announced […] ... lees meer

New agri-business alliance gets its sights on 2030 UN SDG targets

Thirty-six leading agri-business companies have launched the Global Agri-business Alliance (GAA) in Singapore. Their aim is to collectively tackle the major environmental and social challenges facing agricultural supply chains and rural communities across the world. Announced at the Building Sustainable Futures Forum sponsored by Olam International, the newly-formed GAA is a CEO-led private sector initiative seeking to contribute […] ... lees meer

Building responsible and resilient supply chains

Supply chains have become global and highly complex. Building and maintaining a resilient supply chain is a key success factor for businesses operating in a fast-changing world. EY Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) collaborated with the UN Global Compact on the study in an effort to better understand how companies are managing their supply chains […] ... lees meer

Natural Capital Protocol launched

Representatives from over 160 of the world’s leading organizations, spanning business, finance, accounting, conservation, academia, and policy, have met on 13 July in London to celebrate the culmination of a unique collaborative project that has produced the first global Natural Capital Protocol. The Natural Capital Protocol is a standardized framework designed to generate trusted, credible, […] ... lees meer

Vlaamse overheid subsidieert MVO bij bedrijven

De Vlaamse overheid lanceerde zopas de subsidieoproep ‘maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen’. Hiermee wil ze organisaties aanzetten om mvo op een structurele manier in de organisatie op te nemen. Dit is voor individuele organisaties vaak een hele uitdaging. Daarom is deze oproep gericht naar samenwerkingsverbanden of intermediairen. De nadruk ligt op projecten die een brede impact (kunnen) hebben. Het […] ... lees meer

There’s a Clear Path for Business on Sustainability, Finds United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Strategy Study

Eighty-seven percent of chief executive officers (CEOs) say the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent an essential opportunity to rethink approaches to sustainability, and nearly half (49 percent) say businesses will be the most important actor in their delivery, according to a new study by the UN Global Compact and Accenture. Launched at […] ... lees meer

Sustainability experts appoint Unilever as leader for the sixth consecutive year

SustainAbility and GlobeScan’s published the new editon of the annual Sustainability Leaders Survey. For the research 900 expert stakeholders have been asked representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 84 countries to evaluate the progress that institutions have made since the 1992 Earth Summit and reflect on their expectations for the next 20 years. The also analyzed […] ... lees meer

Sustainia publishes 100 innovative solutions to world’s biggest problems

This is the year of ‘systemic opportunity’ – according to the findings of the 2016 Sustainia100, an annual publication which presents the most innovative, available, scalable and sustainable solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. From health solutions that tackle climate change, to renewable energy products that alleviate gender inequality, this year’s publication sets out 100 […] ... lees meer

Strategic Partnership on Breakthrough Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Global Compact and Volans announced a partnership to develop the Breakthrough Innovation Platform to drive radical new business models to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by connecting traditional companies with innovators and entrepreneurs. Aligned with the UN Global Compact’s priority of translating the new SDGs into business action, the aim of […] ... lees meer

Onderzoek: kleine Nederlandse bedrijven hebben groene ambities

Volgens premier Rutte staat het Nederlandse midden- en kleinbedrijf (MKB) te trappelen om ‘in de voetsporen van multinationals te treden’ om bij te dragen aan de uitvoering van de Sustainable Development Goals, de nieuwe internationale afspraken voor armoedebestrijding en duurzame ontwikkeling. In de praktijk gaat de aandacht echter vooral uit naar Nederlandse multinationals. Kleinere ondernemers […] ... lees meer

World’s First Ranking of Largest Companies’ Human Rights Performance Begins

The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) today initiated the important first steps towards the creation of the first-ever ranking of the human rights performance of the world’s largest listed companies. The CHRB has developed a rigorous methodology, which it will pilot with the top 100 companies from the agricultural products, apparel and extractives industries. The […] ... lees meer