DSM again amongst top leaders in Dow Jones Sustainability World Index

Royal DSM N.V., the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company headquartered in the Netherlands, is once again listed as one of the top leaders in the chemical industry sector in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index*, published today. In 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2009 DSM was named the worldwide sustainability No. 1 in this sector. In 2007 and 2008 it also ranked amongst the top leaders in the sector. ... lees meer

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) issues its first water disclosure questionnaire to world’s largest companies

With the support of many of the world’s financial institutions, CDP Water Disclosure has asked more than 300 of the largest global companies to report for the first time on water use and other water-related issues, to increase the availability of high quality business information and raise awareness of water-related risk. ... lees meer

Eerlijke Bankwijzer: ABN Amro, Fortis en ING minder transparant

Voor het eerst sinds de lancering van de Eerlijke Bankwijzer krijgen enkele banken lagere scores. ABN Amro, Fortis en ING gaan alle drie achteruit op transparantie. De initiatiefnemers van de Eerlijke Bankwijzer noemen het gebrek aan ambitie ten aanzien van transparantie bij sommige banken ronduit teleurstellend. Het goede nieuws is dat diverse banken hun duurzaamheidsbeleid in de afgelopen maanden op enkele themas hebben aangescherpt. ... lees meer

SAMs 2010 Sustainability Yearbook Published

SAM, the investment boutique focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing, has produced its annual Sustainability Yearbook in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The Sustainability Yearbook 2010 gives an overview of the results of SAM’s annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment. It has been carried out for eleven consecutive years. The number of assessed companies has risen from 468 companies to 1,237 companies, since the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment was first established 1999. ... lees meer