Signify named Industry Leader in the 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Signify, the world leader in lighting, today announced that it achieved the status of Industry Leader in the Electrical Components and Equipment category of the 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). Our overall score is 88 out of 100 points, demonstrating the continued progress we’re making on implementing sustainable measures in all aspects of our business. […] ... lees meer

Air France-KLM, Signify en Unilever ‘Industry leader’ in Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2019

S&P Dow Jones Indices en RobecoSAM hebben vandaag de resultaten bekend gemaakt van de jaarlijkse review van de Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). Air France-KLM, Signify en Unilever werden ‘Industry leader’ in respectievelijk de sector Airlines, Electronic Components & Equipments en Personal Products. Shell werd uit de index verwijderd en DSM verloor de leidende sectorpositie. […] ... lees meer

Global real estate sector improves ESG performance but more effort needed to reach global goals

GRESB, the environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmark for real assets, has released the results for the 2019 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. The results are used by more than 100 institutional investors, representing USD 22 trillion in AUM, to monitor investments, engage with managers, and make decisions that lead to a more sustainable real estate […] ... lees meer

World’s sixty largest meat, dairy and fish farms ranked in new sustainability index

New research for the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index finds that the world’s largest meat, fish and dairy producers are failing to match the sustainability commitments of the high-street brand names they supply, including McDonalds, Tesco, Nestlé and Walmart. The Index assesses 60 publicly-listed animal protein producers with a combined market cap of $324bn. These firms provide much of the meat, fish […] ... lees meer

ASML nieuwe aanvoerder Management Scope Corporate Impact Index

Vandaag is voor het derde opeenvolgende jaar de Management Scope Corporate Impact Index (MSCII) gepubliceerd. Lijstaanvoerder van deze editie is ASML. De Management Scope Corporate Impact Index speelt in op de verschuiving in het bedrijfsleven van een kortetermijnfocus op winstoptimalisatie naar een langetermijnvisie op maatschappelijke waardecreatie.  Zo veel is de afgelopen paar jaar wel duidelijk geworden: bedrijven […] ... lees meer

New report reveals which food giants are “seizing the moment,” as alternative protein boom

A three-year shareholder engagement with 25 giant food retailers and manufacturers has found that some leaders are beginning to capitalise on the rising demand for alternative proteins, while others are falling behind the curve of a booming growth industry. The alternative protein sector, which includes plant-based substitutes for traditional animal‐based foods such as ‘Beyond Meat’ […] ... lees meer

Barry Callebaut’s Forever Chocolate leads annual Sustainalytics ranking

Forever Chocolate, Barry Callebaut’s plan to make sustainable chocolate the norm, is considered the #1 sustainability strategy in the packaged foods industry. This is concluded by Sustainalytics after its annual assessment of 178 packaged food companies on the management of environmental, social and governance risks in their supply chains. Barry Callebaut is considered the leader among peers. […] ... lees meer

De consument vindt Tony’s Chocolonely, Ekoplaza en de Vegetarische Slager meest duurzame voedingsmerken

De consument vindt Tony’s Chocolonely, Ekoplaza en de Vegetarische Slager de meest duurzame voedingsmerken. De verkiezing van het Future of Food Brand 2019 is onderdeel van het Future of Food onderzoek dat tweemaal per jaar wordt uitgevoerd. Het is het eerste grootschalige onderzoek dat inzicht biedt in de consument in de voedseltransitie. In totaal 1.500 […] ... lees meer

Access to Seeds Index publishes the ‘2019 – Synthesis Report’

Since its establishment in 2012, the Access to Seeds Index has set out to increase transparency around the seed industry and encourage the industry to enhance its contribution to the 2030 sustainable development agenda. The index seeks primarily to identify leadership and good practices, providing an evidence base for the discussion on where and how […] ... lees meer

Unilever, Patagonia, and IKEA are the Most Recognized Sustainability Leaders: 2019 Leaders Survey Results

Findings from the just-released 2019 Leaders Survey by GlobeScan and SustainAbility show that, while still trailing Unilever, Patagonia and IKEA have made substantial gains in recognition for sustainability leadership over the past year. The gap between the top tier and second tier in this annual ranking has narrowed, as Unilever’s long-standing dominance has declined. The Leaders Survey has tracked […] ... lees meer