Bedrijfsleven wil stevig klimaatbeleid

Nederlandse bedrijven roepen op tot een stevig klimaatbeleid, en het behoud van bossen als effectief wapen in de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Op 15 oktober op de ‘Bossen voor Klimaat’dag, ondertekenden Nederlandse bedrijven het “Copenhagen Communiqué on Climate Change”, dat is opgesteld door de Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leadership Group on Climate Change en de universiteit van Cambridge. Het is wereldwijd al ondertekend door meer dan 500 CEO’s. ... lees meer

European companies lead on setting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, but still not on track to achieve EU requirements

European companies are set to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2.2% per annum, with 84% of responding companies reporting emissions or energy reduction targets. There is strong evidence of considerable investment being made to cut emissions. 54 companies report planned investments totalling some €100 billion in the coming years, aimed at reducing carbon intensity. Among energy intensive sectors, Transportation and Utilities demonstrate both the largest financial commitment and the most aggressive reduction targets. The results were launched today in London at an event hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, one of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) global sponsors. ... lees meer

Arthur D. Little: Climate Change Creating Competitive Opportunities Now

A new report by Arthur D. Little urges businesses across all sectors to consider the cost of carbon when planning for long-term growth, or risk losing out to sustainability-savvy competitors and new emerging market players. In “Ensuring survival: Business models in a low carbon world,” the consultancy’s Energy and Sustainability practices argue that in 2009, the carbon agenda will leave no business untouched, through multiple direct and indirect routes – from brand recognition, to the cost-base, to investors’ perceptions of value. ... lees meer

Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Reports launched at New York Climate Week

Allianz, Consolidated Edison, EMC, Reckitt Benckiser, Siemens along with BASF, Boeing and Cisco Systems were among the global corporations leading efforts to tackle climate change, according to this year’s Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Global 500* Report. The results were launched today in New York at an event hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, one of CDP’s global sponsors. ... lees meer

ASN Bank financiert offshorewindmolenpark Belwind

De ASN Bank neemt samen met Rabobank en Dexia Bank deel in een bankensyndicaat dat de financiering van Belwind N.V., een Belgisch offshorewindmolenpark, heeft vormgegeven. Daarnaast zijn ook partijen als European Investment Bank (Europa) en Eksport Kredit Fondsen (Denemarken) betrokken bij de financiering. Dit is de eerste kredietverlening van de ASN Bank aan een buitenlands wind-op-zee-project. Met deze financiering geeft de ASN Bank invulling aan haar ambitie om offshorewindenergie te stimuleren. ... lees meer