Partnernieuws Impact Institute

One of the greatest opportunities of the 21st century is the realization of the impact economy: an economy where everyday work, entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology lead to a better world. To achieve this, a global system shift is needed in which we keep the valuable components of the old market system while embracing new economic models. A requirement for making this shift to the impact economy is a common language for impact and integrating this language into every aspect of our economy.


Our mission at the Impact Institute is to empower organizations and individuals to realize the impact economy by creating a common language for impact and providing the tools to use it. We develop open-source standards for impact measurement and valuation and provide organizations with the tools, training, and services to implement them.


The Impact Institute is a social enterprise and a spin-off of True Price. True Price, founded in 2012, developed methods and tools to measure and monetize impact. In 2018, True Price decided to continue as a non-profit focused on maintaining a standard and community to realize true pricing, a system where consumers can see and voluntarily pay the true price of their products. All services, as well as the development of new methods and technologies, have been spun off to the Impact Institute.