Groundbreaking Analysis Reveals Route for Businesses to Uncover Billions in Hidden Profits from Climate Change Action

Smart companies innovate their way through business challenges. A new analysis shows they can also innovate to solve a global challenge – and profit along the way. The 3% Solution: Driving Profits Through Carbon Reduction, released today by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and CDP, provides a groundbreaking assessment of how companies can reap big profits […] ... lees meer

Dutch Stock Exchanges tops ranking on sustainability reporting

Despite tougher regulations and the growing relevance of “sustainability” as an investment theme, the breadth of sustainability reporting on stock exchanges globally has fallen since its peak in 2008, according to a new report commissioned by Aviva Investors. In a ranking of the world’s composite stock exchanges by overall sustainability disclosure, the Netherlands comes out on top, with Denmark (2), Finland (3) Spain (4) and South Africa (5) also in the top five. ... lees meer

KPMG: Sustainability “Megaforces” Impact on Business Will Accelerate

* The costs of environmental impacts of business operations are doubling every 14 years. * Companies should expect increases in external environmental costs which today are often not shown on financial statements. * Businesses and policymakers must take joint strategic decisions and act now. New research from KPMG International has identified 10 “megaforces” that will significantly affect corporate growth globally over the next two decades. ... lees meer

Measuring Unilever’s Economic Footprint: The Case of South Africa

A new report examines the overall impact of Unilever’s operations on South Africa’s growth and development, and on its society and environmental quality. Using both quantitative and qualitative analysis, it concludes that some 100,000 jobs depend on the company, making it responsible for some 0.8% of total South African employment and 0.9% of GDP. ... lees meer
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Getting the right message across

Public relations used to be about simple events and publicity, but not anymore. Companies need much more than that. This is the era of corporate reputation management, media and crisis training, employee engagement, catalyst communications and corporate social responsibility plus sophisticated IT-driven media thinking. Very few public relations firms can perform all those functions with maximum effect. ... lees meer

EESC opinion on information and measurement instruments for csr in a globalised economy

On 8th June 2005, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted an opinion on “Information and Measurement Instruments for CSR” by 135 votes to 2 with 18 abstentions. The text gives an overview of developments in the field of CSR transparency and makes proposals to extending the use of CSR instruments and make the measurement of CSR more reliable and more transparent. ... lees meer

More than ‘good’ numbers: Measuring the value that social responsibility adds

More companies are choosing to hold out their records on everything from labor issues to their use of environmentally correct products. This may have an affect on their bottom lines, but it’s also begging a new financial reporting standard that allows investors to determine if the “good” a company does add more to shareholder value than meets the eye under the current reporting system. ... lees meer
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Where sustainability means survival

Mike Scott finds the banking sector embarking on a series of initiatives to show how seriously it takes the impact of projects on the environment When it comes to unsustainable businesses, the financial services sector used to consider itself pretty low on the list. After all, the sector does not produce pollutants or greenhouse gases and is known for its good employment practices. But it is having to take sustainability seriously now. Non-governmental organisations have targeted banks as the ultimate source of environmentally unfriendly projects, a plethora of sustainability indices has sprung up and institutional investors are taking note of environmental issues because they are hitting their bottom line. ... lees meer