Internationale business leaders en 90 toekomstige agents of change komen in het Vredespaleis bijeen

Morgen start de achtste editie van de Nudge Global Impact Challenge (26 t/m 28 oktober). 90 jonge en getalenteerde professionals uit alle delen van de wereld doen mee aan dit levensveranderende leiderschapsprogramma, dat in het teken staat van duurzaamheid en het creëren van impact. Zij vertegenwoordigen 30 multinationals, waaronder Unilever, Heineken, Danone, Ferrero, Aegon, FrieslandCampina, […] ... lees meer

Paul Polman (CEO of Unilever) at UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2017: “Business as a force for good”

This week, nearly 800 business leaders from over 70 countries joined leaders from civil society, Government and the United Nations at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2017. Convened during the 72nd Regular Session of UN General Assembly, the Summit focused on driving responsible business action and partnerships to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Climate Agreement. […] ... lees meer

Leading business urge EU to show ambition on climate change

Leading international companies with operations in Europe have written to European environment, climate and energy ministers ahead of the June Environment and Energy Council meetings, urging them to support a continued focus on action to tackle climate change. The letter, sent today, says that the EU must continue to demonstrate leadership on climate change in […] ... lees meer

Employee Treatment, Ethics and Respectful Treatment of Customers Cited as Most Important CSR Issues

U.S. consumers rate Wegmans, Publix Super Markets,, Tesla Motors and USAA as the top companies for corporate social responsibility efforts, according to findings from The Harris Poll Reputation Quotient (RQ), which has identified movement, trends and insights in a changing corporate reputation landscape for the past 18 years. Other companies receiving “excellent” corporate social […] ... lees meer

Global carbon price needed to prevent dangerous global warming: new report

A worldwide carbon pricing system is needed to safeguard the future of the global economy, and to prevent dangerous levels of global warming, a group of over 200 leading organizations says in a new report from the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC). CPLC works to expand carbon pricing globally with the aim of covering 25% of […] ... lees meer

Thomson Reuters Launches Latest Global 100 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

Thomson Reuters today released its report, Global 100 Greenhouse Gas Performance: New Pathways for Growth and Leadership.  The report reveals not only the latest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from the world’s 100 largest publicly traded emitters (Global 100) but the pathways these companies have for emissions reduction and earnings growth. This information is critical […] ... lees meer

New research from WRI recommends business leaders address unchecked consumption and embrace new business models

The world is on a track to quadruple world GDP by 2050, creating opportunities for business, but also to triple consumption of natural resources, posing significant risks to the environment. Without a change to current business models in which growth is predicated on selling more goods to more people, environmental stresses will pose increasing business […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact Calls Upon Business Leaders to Consciously Champion Gender Equality

In Celebration of International Women’s Day, the UN Global Compact Reaffirms Commitment to the Women’s Empowerment Principles and Unites Business Community with Month-Long Initiatives. (New York, 8 March 2017) – Today, the United Nations Global Compact announced its plans for International Women’s Day and affirmed its commitment to uniting the business community to champion gender equality. The UN […] ... lees meer

Business Leaders World-Wide Agree that Disruptive Technologies Can Drive Corporate Sustainability Efforts

Disruptive technologies and digital infrastructure have the potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing risks and to transform industries. These include safeguarding the planet’s soil and water, and improving inequality and education. This is the main conclusion of the 2017 Global Opportunity Report, released today by DNV GL, Sustainia and the United Nations Global […] ... lees meer

Suppliers report 434 million tonnes of emissions reductions as big buyers flex purchasing muscle

As the global economy moves towards implementation of its new climate goals, the world’s largest purchasing organizations are using their buying clout to drive down emissions across their supply chains. The Missing link: Harnessing the power of purchasing for a sustainable future report from CDP, written in partnership with BSR and the Carbon Trust, reveals that […] ... lees meer

Sustainable Business Can Unlock at Least US$12 Trillion in New Market Value, and Repair Economic System

More than 35 CEOs and civil society leaders of the Business & Sustainable Development Commission (the Commission) today reveal that sustainable business models could open economic opportunities worth at least US$12 trillion and up to 380 million jobs a year by 2030. Putting the Sustainable Development Goals, or Global Goals, at the heart of the […] ... lees meer

World’s Largest Companies Seeing Financial Performance Aligned with Social Responsibility

Largest societal engagement survey of 272 companies finds corporate community affairs professionals increasingly taking a leading role in business strategy  In the most comprehensive annual analysis of corporate societal engagement, CECP: The CEO Force for Good, in association with The Conference Board, found in their annual Giving in Numbers survey that the link between a company’s […] ... lees meer