Meer dan 75% van Unilevers fabrieken stuurt geen afval meer naar vuilstort

Unilever heeft aangekondigd dat meer dan driekwart van haar fabrieken wereldwijd geen niet-gevaarlijk afval meer naar de vuilstort stuurt. Nog maar drie jaar geleden was dit 20%. (Bericht alleen uitgegeven in het Engels.) London/Rotterdam, 9 April 2014. Unilever announced today that all its factories across Europe have joined those in North America in achieving zero […] ... lees meer

Bangladesh Accord Foundation announces completion of first factory inspection reports

The Bangladesh Accord Foundation has today announced the completion of the first reports detailing the results of factory inspections in Bangladesh. Available online on the Accord website as of Tuesday (March 11) 09:00 CET, the reports set out details of current building safety conditions in the first Bangladesh garment factories to be inspected and identify […] ... lees meer

Profit with a conscience

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is nothing if not a mouthful. But the jargon disguises a very simple idea: that rather than being narrowly focused on the pursuit of profit at the expense of all else, businesses should behave responsibly in the course of their profit-making, taking into account their wider role and impact on society. ... lees meer

Commission and EEA make public extensive information about industrial pollution in your neighbourhood

Today the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) launched the European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER), the first Europe-wide register of industrial emissions into air and water. For the first time, detailed information on pollution from around 10,000 large industrial facilities in the EU and Norway is publicly accessible on the internet. ... lees meer

Sustainability rating for insurance companies: less than 25% recommended

The Norwegian insurance company Storebrand has come out top in a sustainability assessment of the insurance sector carried out by Munich-based rating agency oekom research. Storebrand beat 69 competitors for the top place in oekom’s Corporate Responsibility Rating, a sustainability rating based on 200 environmental and social criteria. The Norwegian company scored a “B” on a scale of A+ to D-. Another 15 insurance companies were assessed as having sustainability performance well above average in an international comparison by oekom research. Over 15 sustainably managed funds with a total volume of more than 750 million Euros are using oekom’s ratings in making investment decisions. ... lees meer

Unilever on website listing social report card on corporations

Conscientious consumers who want to make sure the companies they support share their social values can turn to a new website that rates several big corporations on issues. Dan Porter, of Portland, Maine, launched six months ago. It ranks companies on such issues as whether they treat women fairly or if they support nuclear arms. Porter, 48, gathers the information from a Washington, D.C.-based firm, Investor Responsibility Research Center. His system allows users to rank companies on issues that are important to them. ... lees meer