Report Finds CSR Policies on the Rise in Asia, Europe, and North America

One measure of the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR), or the incorporation of ethical, environmental, and sustainability considerations into business practice, is the prevalence of CSR policies at companies. A report released last month by the University of Hong Kong’s Center of Urban Planning and Environmental Development surveys the incidence of CSR policies globally. Entitled Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe, North America, and Asia: 2004 Survey Results, the report is authored by Richard Welford, deputy director of the Corporate Environmental Governance Programme (CEGP) there. ... lees meer

Why CSR matters for Shareholders: A Survey of Leading CEOs

Over 70% of CEOs surveyed by the World Economic Forum believe that mainstream investors will have an increased interest in corporate citizenship issues, according to a report released today. Developed by the World Economic Forum’s Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative (GCCI) in partnership with the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF), the report explores how chief executive officers (CEOs), chief financial officers (CFOs) and investor relations officers (IROs) communicate the strategic importance of the social and environmental aspects of their firm’s performance to investors. It examines how these companies are articulating both the business case and the -leadership” or -values” case for global corporate citizenship, highlighting some of the challenges of communicating often intangible but nevertheless quite relevant issues to owners. ... lees meer

Philips launched first Sustainability Report

Royal Philips Electronics launched the company’s first annual Sustainability Report, adding detailed accountability for economic and social responsibility to its former Environmental Report. The reporting initiative is in line with the steps taken in recent years to increase transparency and accountability, adhering to the company’s business principles. Philips also announced that the company has established a Sustainability Board, Corporate Sustainability Office, corporate Sustainability Policy and a global sustainability sponsorship initiative. ... lees meer

The measure of a good company

There was widespread recognition at the global summit meeting in Johannesburg last September that corporations are indispensable to sustainable development. Put simply, there can be little enduring social or environmental progress without active contributions from the private sector. Yet for corporations to meet such expectations, they must win the trust of all their stakeholders – investors, workers, consumers, communities. ... lees meer

Nike will not publish it’s Annual CSR Report

California Ruling Means Nike Will Not Release Annual Corporate Responsibility Report Nike, Inc. today (14/10) asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review an unprecedented California Supreme Court ruling that effectively does away with First Amendment protection for companies and organizations that speak out on public issues related to their business. In papers filed today with the U.S. Supreme Court, Nike argued that “Not since New York Times Co. v. Sullivan has [the U.S. Supreme] Court been confronted with a lower court ruling as profoundly destructive of free speech” as the decision in this case. Harvard University’s noted Constitutional scholar and leading Supreme Court advocate, Laurence Tribe, and former acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger, head of the Supreme Court practice at O’Melveny & Myers, LLP, prepared today’s filing. The company’s petition in Nike v. Kasky stems from a 4-3 ruling of the California Supreme Court sharply reducing the free speech rights of businesses and other groups, as well as the general public who want to hear about those operations. Today, Nike argued that the California ruling ignores decades of First Amendment decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has noted that free speech and debate must have “breathing space” if the freedoms of expression are to survive. ... lees meer

Study about CSR Implications for SMEs in Developing Countries

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a process that has been driven by globalization, deregulation and privatisation. For Trans National Corporations (TNCs) it is an outcome of public pressure arising from their operations in developing countries in relation to human rights, environmental pollution and labour issues. CSR is now being discussed and debated in the public policy sphere – the UK has a Minister for Corporate Social Responsibility. To date, CSR has been a Northern phenomenon in terms of its language and strategy. However, according to a UNIDO study expected later this month, entitled Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries, “there is an abundance of evidence that -silent’ CSR is thriving in developing countries, albeit under a different name and with a different approach. There are some concerns that CSR has not focused enough on addressing issues of poverty, but the emergence of new partnerships with aid agencies, the UN and NGOs offers the opportunity to refocus that approach. In particular the role of business associations, both mainstream and those from the CSR movement, have an important part to play in creating a multiplier effect. ... lees meer

Groundbreaking Report about -business case’ for sustainability in emerging markets

The role of business in sustainable development is a key element in the coming World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. A report published today overturns conventional wisdom by showing that it does pay for businesses in emerging markets to pursue a wider role on environmental and social issues. Developing Value: The Business Case for Sustainability in Emerging Markets challenges the myth that sustainability is only for rich companies in developed nations, and does not apply to the private sector in the emerging markets. Based on more than 240 real-life examples in over 60 countries, the study analyzes the -business case’ for sustainability in emerging markets – the opportunity for businesses to achieve benefits such as higher sales, reduced costs, lower risks and enhanced reputation from better corporate governance, improved environmental practices, and investments in social and economic development. ... lees meer

WWF Report: Building a business case for sustainability

WWF and global communications company, Cable & Wireless plc, have published an innovative and comprehensive toolkit, entitled To Whose Profit?, which provides the first clear ‘route map’ for managers seeking ways to develop a business case for bringing environmental, social and ethical issues to the forefront of their company’s operations. ... lees meer