100 CEOs launch a Call to Action for a New Deal for Europe

Yesterday, 7 May, around 100 CEOs made an appeal to join forces for a New Deal for Europe. They want to accelerate sustainable growth, tackle climate change and create inclusive prosperity. Brought together by CSR Europe, the CEOs raise their voice to enhance dialogue and strengthen interaction with Politics, Civil Society and their Business & […] ... lees meer

METRO AG, Mars, Incorporated, Mondelēz International and Target Executives to Lead Sustainability Committee at The Consumer Goods Forum

The Consumer Goods Forum announced  that the Sustainability Steering Committee has elected a new leadership team, for a two-year renewable term. Christine Montenegro McGrath, Vice President and Chief of Global Impact Officer, Mondelēz International will join Barry Parkin, Chief Procurement and Sustainability Officer, Mars, Incorporated, to represent the Manufacturer College. While Veronika Pountcheva, Global Director […] ... lees meer

GoodUp’s new CEO marks corporate purpose engagement revolution

Diana Krieger is the new CEO at GoodUp. She takes over daily operations from founders Bart Lacroix and Anna Chojnacka, who will take on a position in the scale-up’s Advisory Board. “After a long period of high growth and outstanding results, GoodUp has entered a new maturity phase” says Bart Lacroix. “This new phase requires […] ... lees meer

Business Urges Governments to Step Up Fight Against Climate Change

Heads of 50 major global businesses (including 8 Dutch companies) representing more than $1.5 trillion in total revenue today publish an open letter to world government leaders urging greater collaboration to accelerate outcomes in the race against climate change. Leaders from the World Economic Forum’s Alliance of Climate Action CEOs are committed to using their […] ... lees meer

Business leaders uit 35 landen komen in het Vredespaleis bijeen voor de Nudge Summit

De negende editie van de Nudge Global Impact Challenge gaat vandaag van start (15 t/m 17 oktober). 90 jonge en getalenteerde professionals uit alle delen van de wereld doen mee aan dit levensveranderende leiderschapsprogramma, dat in het teken staat van duurzaamheid en het creëren van impact. Zij vertegenwoordigen internationale organisaties als Heineken, Danone, Ferrero, BMW […] ... lees meer

New Report from BCG and the WBCSD Details Business Benefits and Best Practices from Circular Economy Leaders

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) joined forces to offer practical guidance for organizations seeking to successfully transition to the “circular economy.” Their report—“The New Big Circle. Achieving Growth and Business Model Innovation through Circular Economy Implementation”—is the result of a research effort that included a survey […] ... lees meer

ING Research: U.S. Companies Implement Sustainability Strategies to Drive Revenues

ING’s research report, ‘From Sustainability to Business Value – Finance as a Catalyst’, finds that revenue growth is the most important factor when deciding to implement sustainability strategies, as 39 percent of respondents ranked this first. Cutting costs (35 percent) and brand reputation (30 percent), followed. ING commissioned this research to better understand how financing […] ... lees meer

World-leading multinationals accelerating a clean economy – RE100 Report

A rapidly growing group of ambitious multinational businesses are actively reshaping the energy market through their global investment decisions and accelerating a zero emissions economy, a new report released recently shows. ‘Approaching the tipping point: how corporate users are redefining global electricity markets’, a new report from RE100 – a global corporate leadership initiative led by The Climate Group in […] ... lees meer

The Trillion Dollar Shift Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; Business for Good is Good Business

A new book titled ‘The Trillion Dollar Shift’ was launched on January 25 at the World Economic Forum in Davos.  The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) unite us all in our stride to overcome the challenges our world is facing. From overcoming poverty to combating climate change, the United Nations has set 17 Goals to achieve by […] ... lees meer

CDP names 58 companies as ‘Supplier Engagement’ leaders including ING, Philips, Philips Lighting & Unilever

The number of companies forging ahead with an industry-leading approach to tackling emissions in the supply chain has doubled in a year,according to new research by CDP, the non-profit global environmental disclosure platform, with analysis provided by McKinsey & Company. CDP has awarded 58 companies – out of a total of +3,300 – a place on its second […] ... lees meer

Investment returns at risk, as many corporates fail to tackle deforestation

A new report reveals that 87% of companies identify at least one risk related to the production or consumption of forest-risk commodities (FRCs) including timber, palm oil, cattle and soy, while nearly a third (32%) are already experiencing impacts from these risks, such as a reduction or disruption of supply, increased costs, or reputational damage. The report […] ... lees meer