Nieuw boek over financiering van duurzaamheid

Er is een nieuw boek verschenen over de financiering van duurzaamheid. De afgelopen jaren is de instroom van kapitaal in beleggingsfondsen en financiële instrumenten gericht op duurzaamheid enorm toegenomen. Zo is de wereldwijde markt voor duurzaam beleggen gestegen van zo’n EUR 5000 miljard in 2008 naar bijna EUR 7600 miljard in 2010. De instroom in groene energie beleggingen is wereldwijd toegenomen van USD 180 miljard in 2008 naar bijna USD 250 miljard in 2010. Ondanks deze enorme groei zijn er nog steeds grote additionele investeringen noodzakelijk om de transitie naar een duurzame economie veilig te stellen. ... lees meer

Verdantix Says The Sustainable Business Market Will Reach A Tipping Point In 2013

The global sustainable business market will reach a tipping point in 2013 triggering rapid market expansion, according to new research findings from independent analyst firm Verdantix. Market forecasts analysing spending patterns of more than 2,500 global firms find that growth rates of investment in sustainable business programmes will be between 50% and 100% higher in 2013 than in 2011. Total spend on sustainable business programmes by $1bn revenues firms in Australia, Canada, the UK and the US markets alone will hit $60 billion in 2013. ... lees meer

Innovest Releases New Carbon Beta Report

Innovest Strategic Value Advisors released today a major new study on the relationship among climate change, companies’ ability to manage the associated risks and opportunities, and their financial performance. The study is the first of its kind in the world, and lays the foundation for further research and investment products. ... lees meer

Survey Shows Most US Firms Currently Lack Formal Strategies and Processes to Fulfill Sustainability Commitments

While a majority of North American firms in the survey (almost 60 percent) have a documented corporate-level sustainability strategy, just over one-third (36 percent) have adopted a formal sustainability strategy for the supply management organization-a crucial step in ultimately being able to deliver on their sustainability promises. ... lees meer

New report of EU Parliament: CSR a new partnership

The increase of social and environmental responsibility by business, linked to the principle of corporate accountability, represents an essential element of the European Social Model and of Europe’s strategy for Sustainable Development, according to the European Parliament which adopted an own initiative report by Richard Howitt (PES, UK) on Corporate Social Responsibility. The report underlines that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies should be promoted on their own merits, neither as a substitute for appropriate regulation in relevant fields, nor as a covert approach to introducing such legislation. Agreeing with the Commission of the term, the EP defines CSR as “the voluntary integration of environmental and social considerations into business operations, over and above legal requirements and contractual obligations” The Commission is called upon to encourage dissemination of good practice resulting from voluntary CSR initiatives and believe that the Commission should also consider establishing a list of criteria for enterprises to respect if they claim to be responsible. ... lees meer

EESC opinion on information and measurement instruments for csr in a globalised economy

On 8th June 2005, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted an opinion on “Information and Measurement Instruments for CSR” by 135 votes to 2 with 18 abstentions. The text gives an overview of developments in the field of CSR transparency and makes proposals to extending the use of CSR instruments and make the measurement of CSR more reliable and more transparent. ... lees meer

Profit with a conscience

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is nothing if not a mouthful. But the jargon disguises a very simple idea: that rather than being narrowly focused on the pursuit of profit at the expense of all else, businesses should behave responsibly in the course of their profit-making, taking into account their wider role and impact on society. ... lees meer