Deutsche Telekom, Telefónica, Vodafone, and KPN are Leaders in ABI Research’s Telco Operators Sustainability Index

The Sustainability Index Telco Operators by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research provides an unbiased examination and ranking of ten leading telecommunications operators for sustainability. The in-depth study assesses, compares, and ranks the operators across 30 different action items for their sustainability efforts in six categories: renewable energy, network upgrades, energy efficiency, waste disposal and […] ... lees meer

Henkel: Strong sustainability performance in 2021 and new ambitions set for 2030 and beyond

Henkel published its 31st Sustainability Report, detailing its achievements and progress in 2021 while also outlining its new 2030+ Sustainability Ambition Framework. “Sustainability is deeply rooted in our company DNA and integral to how we do business. Together with strategic priorities such as innovation and digitalization, sustainability is at the heart of our Purposeful Growth agenda,” […] ... lees meer

EcoVadis reports key ESG research on industry sustainability

The second Network Impact Report from Ecovadis showcases how they are continually working to measure and scale impact across their ratings network.  EcoVadis set out 15 years ago to help companies use sustainability intelligence to make business decisions that not only improve their bottom line but also communities, people’s lives and the planet we all […] ... lees meer

What’s Next for Sustainable Business? 2022 Sustainability Trends Report

The Sustainability Institute by ERM published the ‘2022 Sustainability Trends Report’.  The 10 key sustainable business trends for 2022 are: 1.     Integrating ESG – because every part of the business needs to be accountable, skilled and excited by the opportunity of new sustainable business models, products and services 2.     Valuing Human Capital – because Covid has reminded […] ... lees meer

New Deloitte research highlights increasing business concern about climate change; reveals disconnect between ambition and impact

Released earlier this week, Deloitte’s 2022 CxO Sustainability Report: The Disconnect Between Ambition and Impact, reveals that global C-level business leaders (or CxOs) are increasingly concerned about climate change and see the world at a tipping point to act. Eighty-nine percent of CxOs agree there’s a climate crisis and 63% say their organizations are very […] ... lees meer

Trivium Packaging Receives A- Ratings from CDP for Industry Leading Climate Work

Today, Trivium Packaging, a global provider of sustainable metal packaging headquartered in The Netherlands, announces that its work to combat climate change and disclose implementation of sustainability practices has yielded the company the high rating of an A- from the CDP, a non-profit organization looked at by the world economy as the gold standard of […] ... lees meer

Trivium Packaging Awarded Top Ranking of Platinum by EcoVadis

Trivium Packaging, a $2.7B global supplier in infinitely recyclable metal packaging headquartered in the Netherlands, is proud to announce that its business sustainability efforts have been recognized with a Platinum medal, the highest-ranking available, in the 2021 EcoVadis sustainability ratings. EcoVadis, the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, awards the Platinum […] ... lees meer

Nationaal Sustainability Congres wereldwijd eerste congres dat voldoet aan Greendish 2050 Guidelines

Het Nationaal Sustainability Congres zal wereldwijd het eerste congres zijn dat eten serveert volgens de richtlijnen van de Greendish 2050 Guidelines. Het congres laat hiermee zien toekomstbestendig te zijn en wil zo een voorbeeld zijn voor andere congressen. In de Greendish 2050 Guidelines zijn verschillende wetenschappelijke inzichten vertaald naar richtlijnen die gebruikt kunnen worden bij het samenstellen van een duurzaam, gezond en bovenal lekker menu. Een […] ... lees meer

Duurzame markttransformatie in de praktijk vraagt verandering van perspectief en skills

Uit onderzoek van de Sustainability University blijkt dat de snelheid waarbij organisaties kunnen veranderen richting circulaire manier van werken sterk afhangt van de kennis en vaardigheden van de professionals die deze verandering proberen te implementeren. De geschikte interventies hangen tevens af van de fase van markttransformatie. In Nederland bevinden de meeste organisaties zich echter nog […] ... lees meer

20ste jubileumeditie van langst bestaande duurzaamheidscongres ter wereld zet urgentie om in actie

Op 11 november viert het Nationaal Sustainability Congres (NSC) haar 20ste jubileum met een drukbezochte editie (700 deelnemers) in Gooiland te Hilversum. Het congres heeft een rijke historie en is het langst bestaande duurzaamheidscongres ter wereld. Duurzaamheid is actueler en urgenter dan ooit tevoren. Het congres vindt plaats op de voorlaatste dag van de internationale […] ... lees meer

CEOs unequivocally call for bold government action and consistent climate policy at COP26

In the largest sustainability study conducted to-date by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture, only 18% of CEOs said that governments and policymakers have given them the clarity needed to meet their sustainability and climate change targets. Released today ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, business leaders are also sounding the alarm on the early […] ... lees meer