June 2003 update of the Facility Reporting Project

The development of the FRP reporting framework is a multi-stakeholder process for which Tellus and CERES serve as conveners and technical support. The framework is properly the product of this process, not of Tellus Institute or CERES. This spring, the FRP achieved an important project milestone in this multistakeholder process-convening the Project’s Steering Panel and holding the first Panel Meeting. The steering panel is the top tier of this multi-stakeholder process, and is the FRP’s primary consultative and advisory body. ... lees meer

GRI Update June 2003

The June 2003 update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). * Structured Feedback Process Set to Begin in June * G8 Reaffirms Importance of Corporate Responsibility * Supplements Moving Forward * New Interactive Feedback Forum Coming in June * GRI in Print * Still Time to Register for Joint ICGN-GRI Session * First Government Agency Releases Report Based on GRI Guidelines * GRI Reporters Win Awards * Quotation of the Month ... lees meer

CSR leaders ‘fail’ at communications

Companies are not normally shy when it comes to telling the world how well they are doing. So why are Britain’s biggest companies so coy when it comes to talking about their record on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? The first ever survey of how FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 companies are communicating CSR online shows that many companies have been slow to promote what they are doing in this increasingly important area. ... lees meer

Religious Investors, Advocacy Groups Issue First Global “Bench Marks” for Corporate Behavior

Corporations around the globe for the first time now face the prospect of uniform standards and expectations from religious groups, other concerned investors and advocacy groups on a comprehensive range of issues, including sweatshop labor, pollution control and access to affordable pharmaceuticals, including HIV/AIDS medications. Ten years in the making and released for the first time today, -Principles for Global Corporate Responsibility: Bench Marks for Measuring Business Performance” is the work of a diverse global coalition of religious organizations and advocacy groups. ... lees meer

Cross-Cutting Themes: new report WBCSD

The WBCSD’s brand new publication, Cross-Cutting Themes, zeroes in on six topics that are shaping the sustainability agenda – Eco-Efficiency, Innovation & Technology, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ecosystems, Sustainability & Markets, and Risk. ... lees meer

Hoe bedrijven vertrouwen kunnen terugwinnen

(Gepubliceerd in Het Financieele Dagblad van 9 mei 2003). Naast de drieslag People, Planet, Profit is een vierde P nodig, namelijk de P van Principes of Pistis (het Griekse woord voor vertrouwen). Zonder principes is maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen gebouwd op drijfzand. Leiders zouden te rade moeten gaan hoe het met die principes is gesteld: of ze aanwezig zijn en hoe ze handen en voeten krijgen in cultuur, bedrijfsprocessen en beleid. Concreet aanknopingspunt ligt in de bedrijfscode. ... lees meer

GRI Update April 2003

April 2003 update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): * Message from the Chair * First Two Pilot Protocols Released * 24 Additional Members Named to Stakeholder Council * Guidelines from OECD and GRI Seen as Complementary * GRI Reporters Win Awards * Thank You to Allen White for Dedicated Service * GRI on the Road * Register for Public Forum on Corporate Governance and Reporting * Guidelines Now Available in German ... lees meer

Ethical commitment leads to business success, new study finds

New research by the Institute of Business Ethics, leaders in promoting corporate ethical best practice, has shown for the first time that companies with a clear commitment to ethical conduct outperform those which do not. The research is the most thorough study ever carried out in the UK of the relationship between business ethics and business performance in large companies. Using four indicators of business success – economic value added (EVA), market value added (MVA), price/earnings ratio volatility (P/E ratio), and return on capital employed (ROCE) – it compared two groups of companies: those with a demonstrable commitment to ethical behaviour through having a published code of business ethics, and those without. Their performances were then analysed over the five years 1997-2001. On three of the four indicators (EVA, MVA, P/E) the companies with codes were clearly superior, and on ROCE the results were less clear but supported the overall trend. ... lees meer