Ondernemen kan ook op universiteit

Iedere donderdag komen er tot zes gegadigden naar het spreekuur van het Centrum voor Innovatie en Maatschappelijk verantwoord Ondernemen (Cimo) van de VU. ‘Mensen met een idee. Dat gaat van redelijk uitgewerkte plannen tot een half A4’tje.’ ... lees meer

UNIDO launches Swiss-funded CSR project for SME’s

Carlos Magariños, Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Ambassador Rudolf Schaller, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to UNIDO have signed a Letter of Agreement to implement a project aimed at improving the compliance of Small and Medium-scale Entreprises (SMEs) with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles, in countries with developing and transition economies. This project should demonstrate that implementation of environmental and social standards by small enterprises at local level can facilitate their access to international markets. ... lees meer

European Conference on CSR, Competing for a sustainable future, 7-9 november, MECC, Maastricht

During its EU presidency, the Dutch Government will organise the European Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), entitled -Competing for a Sustainable Future” in Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7-9 November 2004. The conference is hosted by Minister for Foreign Trade Karien van Gennip (Ministry of Economic Affairs) and co-organised by the ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. ... lees meer

Akzo Nobel sluit zich aan bij Global Compact-initiatief van de VN

Om de verbondenheid met Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) verder te versterken, heeft Akzo Nobel zich aangesloten bij het Global Compact van de Verenigde Naties (VN). Het Global Compact is opgericht ter bevordering van verantwoorde mondiale ontwikkeling en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen in de hele wereld. Akzo Nobel breidt tevens de niet-financiële rapportage uit. ... lees meer

SwedenÃ??s Crown Princess opens ISO conference on social responsibility

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden officially opened the ISO conference on social responsibility in Stockholm today, declaring, “Social responsibility concerns us all”. The conference, 21-22 June 2004, hosted by the Swedish Standards Institute (SIS), will provide feedback to assist ISO in deciding whether or not to propose the development of International Standards or other ISO tools addressing the social responsibility of organizations. ... lees meer

Facility Sustainability Reporting Draft Guidance Launched for Public Review and Comment

CERES and the Tellus Institute released the draft guidance for facility-level sustainability reporting for public comment. All interested parties are encouraged to submit comments through September 10, 2004. The Draft Facility Reporting Guidance is the product of the Facility Reporting Project (FRP). In 2003, CERES and the Tellus Institute jointly launched the FRP as a multi-stakeholder effort to develop consistent, comparable, and credible economic, environmental and social reporting guidance for individual facilities in the United States. Major initial funding was provided by the Joyce Foundation of Chicago; additional funding has been provided by the Multi-State Working Group (MSWG). ... lees meer