New recommendations for board action on corporate responsibility

A new report has been published aims to develop guidance for effective board action on corporate responsibility. Both the Combined Code on Corporate Governance and the new Company Law Reform Bill give directors duties related to corporate responsibility*. This report outlines the challenge boards face in fulfilling them, and the actions they can take in order to do so. ... lees meer

New list of Burma’s foreign business partners published ahead of crucial ILO meeting

As the International Labour Organisation (ILO) prepares to hold a crucial debate for Burma’s continued membership of this UN agency, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) today released an updated list of foreign companies doing business with Burma, bringing the total number to 474. Beside long-standing business partners of the junta such as Total (France) and more recent ones, such as Daewoo (Korea), the ICFTU’s updated inventory lists 38 “newcomers”, including Sanyo and Polyphon. ... lees meer
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EESC opinion on information and measurement instruments for csr in a globalised economy

On 8th June 2005, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted an opinion on “Information and Measurement Instruments for CSR” by 135 votes to 2 with 18 abstentions. The text gives an overview of developments in the field of CSR transparency and makes proposals to extending the use of CSR instruments and make the measurement of CSR more reliable and more transparent. ... lees meer

CSR slow to catch on in Hungary

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of those fashionable buzz phrases that some cynical observers may interpret as purely a PR exercise for companies that want to create a good image, or repair a damaged one. ... lees meer

Duurzaamheidsmanager is een remmende factor

Met een groeiend aantal bedrijven die een duurzaamheidsmanager aanstellen, verwacht je grote vooruitgang op dit vlak. Het tegendeel blijkt waar. De bevoegdheden van de duurzaamheidsmanager zijn veelal beperkt tot reputatie- en issuemanagement. Hierdoor wordt de volgende stap gemist, waarin maatschappelijke vooruitgang direct gecombineerd wordt met strategische beslissingen over innovatie, product- en marktontwikkeling. ... lees meer