Oproep aan business leiders om nul emissie broeikasgassen in 2050

Vandaag hebben leiders van het B Team, die enkele van ’s werelds grootste bedrijven besturen, wereldleiders opgeroepen zich toe te leggen op de doelstelling om voor 2050 een wereldwijde nettobalans van nul broeikasgassen te bewerkstelligen. Daarnaast vraagt het B Team met klem bestuurders van bedrijven hetzelfde na te streven door zich te verplichten aan gedurfde […] ... lees meer

Leading organizations call for better corporate reporting on human rights

Marking sixty years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, three leading organizations are launching a new initiative to foster greater integration of human rights principles into corporate sustainability reporting. The project – Human Rights: A Call to Action – is co-led by Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative, headed by former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson; The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), developers of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework; and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest global corporate citizenship initiative. ... lees meer
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Internationale CEO-enquête toont belang van vastgoed en facilities aan in streven naar duurzaamheid

Een nieuwe wereldwijde enquête onder 1.254 hoge leidinggevenden van ondernemingen, onder wie meer dan 300 CEO’s, toont aan dat vastgoed- en facilitaire strategieën een centrale rol spelen in het streven naar duurzaamheid in het bedrijfsleven. Bijna de helft van de ondervraagden noemde als hoogste prioriteit op het gebied van duurzaamheid een doelstelling die vooral of uitsluitend door vastgoedstrategieën kan worden bereikt. ... lees meer

Eurosif examines company practices in Food and Insurance sectors

Eurosif (European Social Investment Forum) publishes today two reports covering social and environmental challenges for companies in the Food Production and Insurance sectors. These are the fourth and fifth such notes in Eurosif’s series of publications aimed at raising awareness among a wide European audience on the nature and understanding of social and environmental issues, as well as related business opportunities potentially affecting long-term returns and productivity within these sectors. ... lees meer

World business award winners announced

The 10 recipients of the World Business Awards, which showcase the best practices of the business sector in alleviating poverty and boosting development to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), were announced today by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). This year’s awardees include business-sponsored projects that provide low-income housing in Mexico, comprehensive HIV/AIDS treatment in Botswana, venture capital for small businesses in India, and health education in Turkey’s primary schools. Corporate partners involved in the projects include The Merck Company Foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CEMEX Mexico, GlaxoSmithKline and Tetra Pak. Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and current Chair of The Ethical Globalization Initiative, will present the awards at a public event in New York on 10 May. On 9 May, at the United Nations Headquarters, the winners will present their projects to the 14th meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. ... lees meer

Antony Burgmans (Unilever) and Robin Cornelius (Switcher) win the Fourth SAM/SPG Sustainability Leadership Award

For the first time, the SAM/SPG Sustainability Leadership Award, which acknowledges personal excellence in implementing the principles of sustainability in the corporate sector, has gone to a leader as well as to a pioneer. The jury has singled out Antony Burgmans, Chairman of Unilever N.V., as a leader who, during his years at the helm of the big multinational, has successfully championed sustainability. Robin Cornelius, the founder and CEO of Switcher, has been honoured as a pioneering entrepreneur. A total of 51 candidates were nominated for this year’s award, compared with 43 last year. ... lees meer


Special GRI UPDATE – WORLD SUMMIT ISSUE Contents: * 2002 Guidelines Released * GRI at the World Summit on Sustainable Development * Call for Nominations for Stakeholder Council * Join the Dialogue! * Paul Hohnen Appointed GRI Vice-President of Strategy * New GRI Secretariat Office in Amsterdam to Open This Month * More Organisations Use the Guidelines ... lees meer

SRI is set to receive a major boost in Europe with the creation of Eurosif

Eurosif, the European Sustainable and Responsible Investment Forum, a pan-European network for promoting and developing SRI across Europe is launched today at the EC Belgian Presidency Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Brussels. The creation of Eurosif has been driven by the recent growth of interest in SRI across Europe, by a variety of actors, including the European Commission, NGOs and investment institutions. Eurosif will enable the exchange of information and expertise and will act as a platform for all actors in Europe, interested in sustainable and responsible investment. Today, Eurosif has also launched its website – www.eurosif.info – the first pan-European access point on the web for information about sustainable and responsible investment. ... lees meer