Greenhouse Marketeers verder als Greenhouse Sustainability

Calculeren, reduceren, compenseren én het verhaal eromheen vertellen. Dat zijn de vier pijlers van Greenhouse Sustainability, zoals Greenhouse Marketeers vanaf 1 januari 2023 gaat heten. Met een nieuwe naam, een nieuw logo en een nieuwe website zet het bedrijf een volgende stap in haar ontwikkeling. Greenhouse Sustainability blijft zich inzetten voor het verduurzamen van de […] ... lees meer

IMCD joins global initiative Together for Sustainability

IMCD Group, a leading Dutch based distributor of speciality chemicals and ingredients, its proud to announce that it has become a new member of Together for Sustainability (TfS). TfS is a member-driven initiative that aims to raise CSR standards throughout the chemical industry. Its network is comprised of world-leading chemical companies committed to making sustainability […] ... lees meer

Visma Connect, Signify and ABN AMRO launched the ESG Clearing House for ESG reporting

We live in a data-driven world. Data underpins decision-making at every level of government, finance and business and nowadays also sustainability initiatives. Improving sustainability practices and reporting on them requires vast amounts of data. That’s why accurate, accessible and standardised data is the gold standard of ESG reporting. However, for many organisations, the availability of […] ... lees meer

EcoVadis Index: Sustainability Performance Accelerates as More Companies Build on Foundations to Advance Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

Companies of all sizes around the world have improved their sustainability performance over the past five years. This insight and more are found in the sixth edition of the annual Business Sustainability Risk & Performance Index, published today by business sustainability ratings provider EcoVadis. More companies than ever are also engaging in sustainability ratings. EcoVadis saw a […] ... lees meer

Toonaangevende autoriteit op het gebied van ESG, prof. Robert G. Eccles, verzorgt Piet Sanderslezing

Erasmus School of Law verwelkomt professor Robert G. Eccles, ’s werelds meest vooraanstaande expert op het gebied van geïntegreerde rapportage en een leider op het gebied van hoe bedrijven en investeerders duurzame strategieën kunnen creëren en daarover rapporteren. Eccles heeft de uitnodiging van de juridische faculteit aanvaard om de Piet Sanderslezing te verzorgen op vrijdag 4 november 2022 […] ... lees meer

Sojaproducenten VS maken herkomst sojabonen traceerbaar, ook voor Nederland

Sojaproducenten in de Verenigde Staten maken de herkomst van hun sojabonen traceerbaar in 80 landen, waaronder in Nederland. Met een nieuw systeem van overdraagbare certificaten kan de klant die sojabonen gebruikt precies zien waar de sojabonen vandaan komen en of ze op een duurzame manier zijn geteeld. In Nederland verwerken fabrikanten sojabonen in diervoeders, voedingsmiddelen […] ... lees meer

EcoVadis Secures $500M Investment to Usher in New Era of Sustainability-Led Business Decisions

EcoVadis, the leading provider of business sustainability ratings, has raised $500M with plans to accelerate its vision of influencing every business decision with sustainability intelligence, becoming a sustainability impact unicorn.  The global investment round – the largest equity fundraising for a sustainability data SaaS company to date – brings EcoVadis’ total capital raised to over […] ... lees meer

Sustainability Ranks Among Highest Priorities on CEO Agendas, Yet Lack of Data Insights Hinders Progress

 A new IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) study* revealed that sustainability is rising higher on corporate agendas, and CEOs recognize sustainability as a business imperative and growth driver. Yet as CEOs face growing pressures from boards and investors, a lack of reliable data insights is hindering their ability to take action. IBM’s annual CEO […] ... lees meer

Assessing Progress Towards Sustainability. Frameworks, Tools and Case Studies

Assessing Progress toward Sustainability: Frameworks, Tools, and Case Studies provides practical frameworks for measuring progress toward sustainability in various areas of production, consumption, services and urban development as they relate to environmental impact. A variety of policies/strategies or frameworks are available at national and international levels. This book presents an integrated approach to sustainability progress […] ... lees meer

Sustainable Procurement Trends Since the Launch of ISO 20400: Fifth Anniversary Reflections

April 22, 2022,  marks the fifth anniversary of the ISO 20400 standard, which provides guidelines for integrating sustainability into your organization’s procurement processes. The anniversary falls on Earth Day and, in line with this year’s theme of “Invest In Our Planet”, now is the time to invest in your sustainable procurement program to scale positive […] ... lees meer

CEOs are Ready to Fund a Sustainable Transformation

Climate-induced wildfires, massive storms, and deadly heat waves, along with the complexities around managing sustainable supply chains and emissions reduction, have awoken the corporate world to the planet’s stark realities of climate change.  Sustainability and environmental impact have become top of mind for executives across the world,  with many starting to prioritize sustainable changes to […] ... lees meer

Stripe, Alphabet, Shopify, Meta en McKinsey gaan voor 925 miljoen dollar investeren in carbon verwijdering

Stripe, Alphabet, Shopify, Meta en McKinsey Sustainability lanceren vandaag Frontier. Dit is een zogeheten ‘advance market commitment’ (AMC), en bedoeld om de ontwikkeling van technologie die CO2  verwijdert te versnellen. De oprichters van dit initiatief zijn van plan om de komende negen jaar 925 miljoen dollar uit te geven aan de inkoop van permanente CO2-verwijdering […] ... lees meer