Shell: Sustainability At The Heart Of Our Business

Royal Dutch Shell plc today released its ninth annual report on its environmental and social performance. The report underlines the company’s commitment to help meet the world’s current and future energy needs in environmentally and socially responsible ways. ... lees meer
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VN bejubelen succesverhalen duurzaam ondernemen

Britse pensioenfondsen moeten duidelijk maken in welk maten hun investeringen goed zijn voor mens en milieu. Nigeriaanse oliemaatschappijen moeten drie procent van hun winst afdragen aan een commissie voor ontwikkeling van de Nigerdelta. Het VN-departement voor Economische en Sociale Zaken (DESA) presenteert deze en andere voorbeelden van duurzaam ondernemen ter gelegenheid van de bijeenkomst van de VN-commissie Duurzame Ontwikkeling die vrijdag 12 mei afsluit. ... lees meer

Fortune magazine announced results of 2005 Accountability Rating

The results of the 2005 Accountability RatingÃ??, a corporate accountability rating of FORTUNE global 100Ã?? companies, were announced today by international think tank AccountAbility and consultancy csrnetwork. The rating, to be published in the 3 October international editions of FORTUNE magazine, scores companies on how seriously their future decisions will consider non-financial issues. ... lees meer

CSR slow to catch on in Hungary

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of those fashionable buzz phrases that some cynical observers may interpret as purely a PR exercise for companies that want to create a good image, or repair a damaged one. ... lees meer