The GSES launches the 2.0 version of its platform

The Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES®) is a recognized automated platform to rate, verify and certify organizations, products, and projects for their sustainability performance. Today they announced the 2.0 update of the platform, adding an industry benchmark feature, a call-for-tender tool, changing the design of their Rating Cards, expanding the GSES database, and integrating the new blue […] ... lees meer

Data for Good lanceert open beta platform

Data for Good (DFG) kondigt publiekelijk de lancering van een open beta platform aan. Het eerste platform dat wereldwijde duurzaamheidsgegevens omzet in gemakkelijk te begrijpen ‘dashboards’ om de voortgang te meten richting het behalen van de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). De overkoepelende ambitie is het bouwen van een betere en duurzamere wereld door middel van […] ... lees meer

Search for Sustainable Goods Grows by 71% As ‘Eco-Wakening’ Grips the Globe

New global research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), commissioned by WWF, shows a staggering 71% rise in popularity of searches for sustainable goods over the past five years, with continuing growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report titled “An Eco-wakening: Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature” shows a surge in consumer clicks for […] ... lees meer

The EU should make 2021 the “Super Year” for achieving the SDGs in Europe and globally, shows new report by SDSN and IEEP

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) published the Europe Sustainable Development Report 2020, the second independent quantitative report on the progress of the European Union, its member states, and other European countries towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed by all UN member states in 2015.  The Europe […] ... lees meer

FMCG multinationals could benefit more from the circular transition

In his Master’s thesis, Jelle Goos (Tilburg University) demonstrates the untapped potential of the circular economy within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. His supervisor Marjan Groen comments: “Jelle has drawn attention to important mechanisms that may help or hinder the circular transition. The story of circularity needs to be told from different perspectives, and […] ... lees meer

New report sheds light on the role of services trade in a circular economy transition

Companies export a wide range of services related to the circular economy. But regulatory differences between countries are hindering the service exports of many small but international companies in the field, according to a new report by Sitra and IISD. Moving from a linear, extractive produce–use–discard model to a more circular approach brings about significant […] ... lees meer

Landelijke SDG-dashboards voor energie en grondstoffen transitie nu online, neem deel aan de missie!

De eerste SDG-missies zijn uitgedeeld! Vrijdag 25 September 2020, heeft het mission control team in samenwerking met SDG Nederland, Ruud Koornstra, Karin van IJsselmuide, Kelly Ruigrok, en diverse ministeries, meer dan 200 brieven bezorgd aan parlementsleden, ministers, burgemeesters, staatssecretarissen en burgers in Nederland met hun eigen missie om de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen in 2030 te […] ... lees meer

Nederlands Mission Control Center voor energietransitie SDG 7 en grondstoffentransitie SDG 12

Vandaag op vijfde verjaardag van de SDG’s zijn de Nederlandse ‘SDG Mission Control Centers’ gelanceerd. Dit is een initiatief van Stichting SCO van Ruud Koornstra (Nationale Energiecommissaris) en Data for Good van Kelly Ruigrok (tevens founder van GSES System). Het initiatief moet bedrijven en overheden stimuleren om juiste keuzes te maken op gebied van beleid en […] ... lees meer

Data for Good partnernieuws

Over the last decade, we’ve seen the rise of data, and it’s value to people and companies alike. The rise of the industrial era has witnessed an explosion in information and chaos. Massive amounts of documents, reports, studies, about climate, health, living environment, and nature quickly become convoluted and confusing – even for experts to […] ... lees meer

Unilever sets out new actions to fight climate change, and protect and regenerate nature, to preserve resources for future generations

Today, Unilever set out a new range of measures and commitments designed to improve the health of the planet by taking even more decisive action to fight climate change, and protect and regenerate nature, to preserve resources for future generations. Unilever will achieve Net Zero emissions from all our products by 2039. We will also […] ... lees meer

Arcadis en Data for Good slaan handen ineen om duurzaamheidsdata van steden en dorpen bereikbaar en begrijpbaar te maken voor iedereen

Data for Good – het social media platform met free data exchange, is joining forces met Arcadis wereldwijd. Arcadis meet jaarlijks steden op de topics People, Planet, Profit en presenteert dit overzicht in de ‘Arcadis Sustainable City Index’. Data for Good visualiseert de Sustainable City Index interactief op de Data for Good map om het […] ... lees meer

Vandebron en Data for Good visualiseren impactdata

Vandebron is partner geworden van Data for Good platform en visualiseert haar duurzame (100% groene) energiebronnen op de Data for Good-kaart om de impact te meten en te tonen. Vandebron is ontstaan vanuit het geloof in positieve verandering. Het bedrijf wil de energiemarkt duurzamer en transparanter maken. Vandebron biedt slimme en toegankelijke energietoepassingen die goed […] ... lees meer