Hoe mooi zou het zijn als we elkaar ook in 2050 oprecht een gelukkig nieuwjaar konden wensen! De meeste mensen willen graag een lang en gelukkig leven en de kans dat dat lukt is groter in een veilige, welvarende wereld. Babette Porcelijn onderzoekt in Het happy 2050 scenario wat het hoogst haalbare scenario is voor […]
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Earth Overshoot Day marks the date in a given year when humankind’s demand for environmental resources and services exceeds what the planet can regenerate in that year. Over the last 50 years, that date has fallen earlier and earlier – from December in the 1970s to the end of July in recent years. For countries […]
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Today is 12 December 2020 – the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement. We have come a long way since! There are probably two ways to look at this anniversary. On the one hand, we have not made the progress needed: Global emissions have continued to rise, And the unity of governments shown in Paris […]
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Greenwashing is detrimental to both business and the common effort to avert the climate crisis, claims Norwegian organization Skift, supported by over 200 companies. Their call to action is supported by other business networks, as well as former CEO of Unilever, Paul Polman, and the President of European Parliament Environment Committee, Pascal Canfin. “Responsible businesses worldwide need […]
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During my business studies in the 1990s, I learned the narrow answer to that question: the return on invested capital needs to exceed the cost of capital. But that answer is problematic, as by that definition tobacco companies are among the best in the world – even though they destroy tens of billions of social […]
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De klimaatcrisis kan heel ernstig zijn als de temperatuurstijging niet onder de twee graden Celsius blijft. Die kunnen we – in principe – nog voorkomen, daar is iedereen het wel over eens. Maar niet over de route die daartoe gevolgd moet worden. Min of meer op de huidige voet doorgaan? In coalitions of the willing in kleine, […]
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We are at the beginning of the sustainability era. The biggest challenge of our generation is to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. For this we must be willing to understand and change the root causes that create these challenges in the first place. The system itself needs to change. But how to do that? This […]
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Microsoft Corp. employees who fly between their global headquarters in Redmond, Washington, and California on Alaska Airlines will fly more sustainably thanks to the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to cover their business travel. The SAF, supplied by SkyNRG, and produced from waste oils, is an important option for the aviation industry to reduce […]
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Today, Project Drawdown has announced the launch of Drawdown Labs – a consortium of private sector partners (e.g. Google and Intuit) working to go beyond ‘net zero’ to scale climate solutions in the world, within and outside their own operations. “Our planet’s climate challenge demands organizations work together in new ways to discover, design, and […]
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Sustainability is going to be more important to large companies as a result of Covid-19, according to research commissioned by the Carbon Trust. Over 70% of companies interviewed for the research said environmental management and/or sustainability priorities are likely to become ‘somewhat more important’ or ‘significantly more important’ for them as a result of Covid-19. Even […]
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When we started Land Life Company in 2013, we found ourselves needing to explain the relevance of planting trees to restore land and combat climate change to businesses. The world has changed a lot since then. Nowadays, we are happy to see reforestation becoming a trend and being incorporated into the company’s sustainability programs. And […]
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People often ask me why sustainable development is such an important topic for me. The answer is simple: human development for all, within the ecological capacity of our planet, is the most important challenge of our time. Climate change is having a huge impact on the lives – and livelihoods – of people across the […]
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