SportPlaza Tiel krijgt Vignet MVO

SportPlaza Tiel voldoet aan de normen die de Sportfondsen Groep nv stelt om in aanmerking te komen voor het certificaat Verantwoord Maatschappelijk Ondernemen. Vrijdag 14 augustus heeft de directeur van SportPlaza Tiel Bas Corbijn, het vignet wat bij het certificaat hoort uitgereikt gekregen. ... lees meer
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International Survey of sustainability reporting published

CSR Network recently released Material World: The 2003 Benchmark Survey Report, a detailed research project evaluating global reporting among the 100 largest companies in the world, by revenue, as listed in the Fortune 500. The concept results from the simple proposition that global economic actors have global environmental and social impacts and should be encouraged to produce global, as opposed to national, environmental and social reports. For the first time this year the scope of the Survey has been expanded to include greater detail on global social and sustainability reporting as well as environmental reporting. ... lees meer