Kelly Ruigrok (GSES System): ‘Can we all speak one universal language for managing sustainability, please?’

GSES is a start-up making waves in the sustainability space. It was recently the talk of the town, thanks to a cash injection from well-known Dutch venture capitalists. Meanwhile, company CEO Kelly Ruigrok (32) is busy cutting her way through the jungle of global certifications and standards provide one single universal system for sustainability performance. […] ... lees meer

Sytze Dijkstra (Simply Sustainable): ‘Waarom bedrijven elkaar vragen beginnen te stellen over hun CO2-emissies – en hoe dit verduurzaming gaat versnellen’

Een jaar geleden, ongeveer een maand na COP26, vroeg iemand mij of bedrijven hun CO2-emissies versneld omlaag brachten als gevolg van het evenement. Ik antwoorde toen dat het nog te vroeg was om een effect te zien.  Nu, bijna een jaar later, lijkt er echt wel iets veranderd te zijn. De vele ‘net-zero’ doelstellingen die […] ... lees meer

Bekroond ESG- en duurzaamheidsadviesbureau Simply Sustainable breidt uit naar Amsterdam en versterkt het managementteam

ESG- en duurzaamheidsadviesbureau, Simply Sustainable, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het haar activiteiten uitbreidt naar Nederland om daarvandaan de Nederlandse markt en haar Europese klanten te bedienen. Sinds de oprichting in 2010 helpt Simply Sustainable toonaangevende bedrijven bij het opstellen en uitvoeren van ambitieuze en haalbare transitieplannen voor de realisatie van hun duurzaamheidsdoelen en de transitie […] ... lees meer

Partnernieuws Simply Sustainable

Bij Simply Sustainable maken wij het eenvoudig voor grote bedrijven om duurzaam en verantwoord te werken. Duurzame bedrijfsvoering moet de simpele, natuurlijke manier van zaken doen worden, en daar willen wij graag aan bijdragen. Sinds de oprichting in 2010 helpt Simply Sustainable bedrijven bij het opstellen en uitvoeren van ambitieuze en haalbare transitieplannen voor de […] ... lees meer

Anne Manschot (Enact): ‘The top-five ‘Good Reasons’ why you should not do business sustainably’

In my daily work as a sustainability consultant, I speak to clients and potential clients about doing business with respect for people and the planet. In these conversations, I emphasize why sustainability should be an essential part of business decisions. We discuss key risks and how to overcome them. We talk about engaging internal and […] ... lees meer

DSM Engineering Materials launches new, more sustainable and 100% biobased version of its flagship product Stanyl®

Today, DSM Engineering Materials announces the launch of a new, more sustainable version of its flagship product Stanyl®: Stanyl® B-MB (Bio-based Mass Balanced), with up to 100% bio-based content. Using the maximum possible levels of biomass-waste feedstock, it enables DSM Engineering Materials to halve the carbon footprint of this product line and, in turn, of the […] ... lees meer

Accenture: ‘Sustainable Technology Strategy Critical for Achieving Business Growth and ESG Performance’

As businesses set more ambitious environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, their sustainability and technology strategies need to become more tightly aligned to gain competitive advantage, financial value and a lasting positive impact on society and the environment, according to new research from Accenture. However, only 7% of respondents have fully integrated their business, technology […] ... lees meer

New interdisciplinary journal to explore how ESG metrics are measured

The business community is being called to account more than ever before. Success is no longer judged exclusively on the basis of the bottom line. The beneficial effects for people and the environment also play a role. In their sustainability reporting, companies make use of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) metrics. Jan Bouwens, Professor of Accounting […] ... lees meer

Muriel Arts ( ‘How to turn around your environmental footprint for the better?’

Ecochain’s LCA tool Helix combined with’s practical support helps you to measure, understand, and turn around your environmental footprint for the better. The First LCA In today’s world a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used to measure the environmental impact of a product or service. It is a scientific method that measures the environmental […] ... lees meer

Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark shows an increase in company net zero commitments, but much more urgent action is needed to align with a 1.5°C future

Second round of Net Zero Company Benchmark assessments show some corporate climate progress against key climate indicators, but find much more action is urgently needed from focus companies to support global efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. While 69% of focus companies have set commitments to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, […] ... lees meer

EcoVadis Announces 2022 Sustainable Procurement Leadership Award Winners

EcoVadis, the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, announced the winners of its sixth annual Sustainable Procurement Leadership Awards program. Winners were announced at the EcoVadis Sustain 2022 virtual conference. The EcoVadis Sustainable Procurement Leadership Awards recognize companies who are leading the charge in engaging and integrating sustainability into their relationships with trading partners […] ... lees meer

2% of companies worldwide worth $12 trillion named on CDP’s A List of environmental leaders

272 companies worldwide – worth US$12 trillion in market cap – have today been highlighted for their environmental leadership, based on their level of transparency and performance on climate change, forests and water security. These leading companies have been named on CDP’s prestigious annual A List, and are among nearly 12,000 ranked A to D- […] ... lees meer