Positive environmental management can lead to improved shareholder value

A new report from the Rose Foundation for Communities & Environment titled “The Environmental Fiduciary: The Case for Incorporating Environmental Factors into Portfolio Management Practices” documents how environmental risk and liabilities can be a drag on shareholder value, while positive environmental management can lead to improved shareholder value. The Rose Foundation joined other institutional investors in petitioning the SEC to adopt better environmental disclosure guidelines. ... lees meer

High-tech companies not committed to sustainability

Despite voluntary efforts to reduce environmental impacts, semiconductor companies are not adequately grappling with the environmental, health and labor impacts of their production and assembly operations, especially in developing countries and global supply chains, according to a new report released today by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development. ... lees meer

Study of mandatory CER systems in Europe published

Tareq Emtairah, Research Associate of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics of Lund University, published his review of policy action aimed at regulating corporate environmental reports (CERs) in Europe with the view of giving guidance on the -feasibility’ of a mandatory scheme for corporate environmental reports in Japan. The scope includes a review of the latest developments in CERs, and an examination of selected mandatory reporting schemes within Europe. ... lees meer

Research Paper on Corporate Global Environmental Standards Wins Moskowitz Prize

For the first time, judges also give Honorable Mention to a paper that provides compelling evidence of no significant cost for actively managed screened portfolios. Multinationals employing the lowest environmental standards possible in their overseas operations would be considered a bad investment by social investors. Those investors would be right on the money, say the winners of this year’s Moskowitz Prize, the social investment industry’s prestigious award for outstanding research in the field of socially responsible investing. ... lees meer

Social, ‘Green’ Responsibility are key to sustainable development, says World Bank

World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn appealed to business leaders to further expand their notions of corporate responsibility beyond earnings to encompass obligations to society at large, especially in developing countries. Corporate sustainability today includes recognition of the leadership role that the private sector must take in ensuring social progress, improved equity, higher living standards, and stewardship for the environment, Wolfensohn said yesterday in a World Bank-sponsored workshop. Corporate responsibility is not philanthropy-it is good business, he said. ... lees meer

Study shows how nonprofits and corporations can collaborate to improve environmental management

A new breed of nonprofit and corporate leader is trading tension and distrust for collaboration to improve corporate environmental practices in significant and lasting ways. A new report, “Partnering for Sustainability: Managing Nonprofit Organization-Corporate Environmental Alliances,” outlines the factors that contribute to the most effective collaborations. The report is based on a study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that explored the experience and interactions, both adversarial and collaborative, between environmental nonprofits and corporations, and the factors that determine success. ... lees meer

Winning with Integrity – Business Impact Taskforce Report Launched

The Business Impact Taskforce Report on measuring and reporting on impact on society was launched on November 6th. The report makes recommendations for the key indicators that all businesses should use for managing issues around corporate social responsibility. The report was launched with a message by BITC Chairman and Sainsbury Chief Executive Sir Peter Davis and taskforce Chairman Bill Cockburn. ... lees meer

Global Corporations And Environmental Defense Partner To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Some of the world’s largest corporations and the US advocacy group Environmental Defense have joined forces to further combat climate change. BP, Shell International, DuPont, Suncor Energy Inc., Ontario Power Generation, the Canadian aluminum company Alcan, the French aluminum company Pechiney and Environmental Defense today announced the creation of the Partnership for Climate Action. The primary purpose of the Partnership is to champion market-based mechanisms as a means of achieving early and credible action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions that is efficient and cost-effective. ... lees meer