Jonge Nederlanders helpen de VN met duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen

Jonge ondernemende Nederlanders, verenigd in JCI, hebben deze week bij de Verenigde Naties in New York hun bijdrage geleverd aan het vaststellen van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties, de zogenaamde post-2014 ontwikkelingsagenda (de Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Wereldleiders zullen de nieuwe doelen definitief aannemen tijdens een VN-top over de agenda die van 25 […] ... lees meer

Global Commission Finds Economic Growth Can Close the Emissions Gap

A new report released by the Global Commission on the Economy and the Climate identifies ten key economic opportunities that could close up to 96 percent of the gap between business-as-usual emissions and the level needed to limit dangerous climate change. The report calls for stronger cooperation between governments, businesses, investors, cities and communities to […] ... lees meer

ICC launches new tool to promote business sustainability

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has launched a radical update of its respected Business Charter for Sustainable Development. The 3rd edition of the ICC Charter has been designed to reflect a more holistic approach to sustainability, drawing on the expertise, experience and good practices of a broad range of international companies and business associations across […] ... lees meer

RICS and United Nations Global Compact in new drive to advance responsible business

The United Nations Global Compact and RICS issued a call to organisations in the land, construction and real estate sector, and those working with them, to take a leading role in global efforts to drive responsible and sustainable business practices.   ‘Advancing Responsible Business Practices in Land, Construction, Real Estate Use and Investment’, was launched […] ... lees meer

Companies and cities are working together for sustainable cities

More companies are engaging and innovating for sustainability within and across cities, as are cities with companies. But the potential of such engagement has only begun to be understood, much less realized. SustainAbility’s latest research, Citystates II: The Case for Corporate Leadership in Urban Sustainability, makes the case for greater corporate leadership to drive urban […] ... lees meer

Campaign launches to close the gap between corporate GHG reduction goals and a 2°C scenario

The Science Based Targets initiative – a partnership between CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute and WWF – today launched a global campaign to recruit 100 companies by the end of 2015 to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets in line with climate science. By aligning emission targets with global efforts to limit […] ... lees meer

MVO-standaarden kunnen makkelijk leiden tot greenwashing

Terwijl standaarden zoals ISO 26000 en het United Nations Global Compact zijn bedoeld om maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO) te bevorderen, kunnen zij makkelijk leiden tot het tegenovergestelde. Bedrijven en organisatie kunnen zich groener of maatschappelijk verantwoorder voor doen dan dat zij in werkelijkheid zijn. ‘Veel MVO-standaarden kunnen makkelijk tot greenwashing leiden’, aldus Lars Moratis. Moratis […] ... lees meer

CWS Nederland behaalt MVO Prestatieladder niveau 4

CWS Nederland heeft in januari 2014 als eerste onderneming op het gebied van sanitaire hygiëne en schoonloopmatten het MVO Prestatieladder certificaat niveau 4 behaald. Dit is een belangrijke erkenning voor de maatschappelijke initiatieven die CWS al jaren onderneemt. Sales en Marketing Director Rob Boele: ‘We zijn trots op deze certificering die we beschouwen als startpunt […] ... lees meer

Executives Meet with UN Secretary-General to Advance Business Leadership on Sustainable Development and Climate Change

Global business leaders met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last week in Davos to advance the corporate statesmanship and transformative business leadership that is needed to address the world’s most critical challenges. The meeting was held as the year ahead presents an historic opportunity to adopt a new sustainable development agenda and to reach a global […] ... lees meer

Twee Nederlandse bedrijven uitgesloten door UN Global Compact

Ecorys en Archirodon Group N.V. zijn de twee Nederlandse ondernemingen in de lijst van in totaal 372 ondernemingen die door UN GLobal Compact in de tweede helft van 2014 zijn uitgesloten.  De UN Global Compact sluit bedrijven uit wegens het niet communiceren over de voortgang van duurzaamheidsprestaties gedurende ten minste twee opeenvolgende jaren. Zie de volledige lijst ... lees meer

Business Leaders Show Strong Confidence in Sustainable Growth Opportunities

Business leaders globally have strong confidence in their own ability to turn sustainability challenges such as water scarcity and lock-in to fossil fuels into new business opportunities, particularly in the manufacturing and finance sectors in emerging economies. This is one of the key findings of the Global Opportunity Report launched today by DNV GL, UN […] ... lees meer