Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact on Consumers

Corporate social responsibility has been a hot topic lately and with good reason. According to a recent study by the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI), almost 90% of the U.S. population state that it is important for companies to not just be profitable, but to be mindful of their impact on the environment and society. Although actual behaviors are, at times, different, the implications of this attitude on business operations are far-reaching. Just over 70% of consumers indicate that knowing a company is mindful of their impact on the environment and society makes them more likely to buy their products or services, and nearly 50% state it makes them more likely to buy their stock. ... lees meer

EESC opinion on information and measurement instruments for csr in a globalised economy

On 8th June 2005, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted an opinion on “Information and Measurement Instruments for CSR” by 135 votes to 2 with 18 abstentions. The text gives an overview of developments in the field of CSR transparency and makes proposals to extending the use of CSR instruments and make the measurement of CSR more reliable and more transparent. ... lees meer

Millennium Development Goal: What’s Business Got to do With it?

Corporate responsibility could be one of the keys to the Millennium Development Goals. It is the quality, not just the quantity of business activity that determines whether companies contribute to economic development and sustainability. This is certainly the case in the pharmaceutical, agriculture, extractives and bank sectors, which are the focus of four new sectoral reports”Business and Economic Development”. ... lees meer

More business students showing an interest in ‘corporate social responsibility’

As the stereotype goes, business students are supposed to be single-minded in their career goals: making money, more money and still more money. But don’t tell that to Daron Horwitz, who spent his spring break in Iraq — visiting schools that will be helped by a nonprofit group he and a small group of students formed at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. ... lees meer

Responsible Business Attracts the Best People – and Keeping Them Improves the Bottom Line

Research published today (Thursday, July 10) amongst 1,000 employees across Britain shows that they see a clear connection between responsible business practice and positive impact on the bottom line. It found that responsible practice can help to attract, motivate and retain a talented and diverse workforce, that employees think such a workforce would be more creative and innovative, and that this would in turn improve competitiveness and profitability. However, only 45% of employees find the recruitment rhetoric about corporate values that helped attract them to their employer is actually implemented. ... lees meer

World’s First Corporate Responsibility Assurance Standard Launched to Improve Business Performance and Credibility

Launched today is the world’s first assurance standard developed to ensure the credibility and quality of corporate public reporting on social, environmental and economic performance, as demanded by campaigners and the public, and increasingly investors and regulators. The AA1000 Assurance Standard is unveiled today at BT’s global headquarters to an audience of several hundred senior executives from the business,public and non-governmental sectors. Plenary addresses will include those by Stephen Timms MP, the UK Government’s minister responsible for corporate social responsibility, Mervyn Pedelty, CEO of Co-operative Financial Services, and Ernst Ligteringen, CEO of the Global Reporting Initiative. ... lees meer

Europees onderzoek naar duurzaamheid chemie

TNO en CEFIC gaan de komende twee jaar onder experts van chemische bedrijven, overheden en ngo’s op het gebied van duurzaam ondernemen een groot Europees onderzoek uitvoeren. Daarin staan twee vragen centraal: welke issues spelen er binnen chemische bedrijven op het gebied van duurzaam ondernemen en welke innovaties zijn het meest kansrijk om tot een werkelijk duurzame chemische industrie te komen? Het idee voor dit project is ontstaan bij TNO en bouwt voort op een voorstel dat de organisatie twee jaar geleden heeft ingediend bij de Europese Commissie. ‘Maar toen kregen we geen financiering,’ zegt ir. Maurits Butter die namens TNO Strategie Technologie en Beleid (STB) bij het project is betrokken. ... lees meer

Institute of Directors (IoD) gags Blairite think-tank report about CSR

(Published in The Observer on 27 october 2002). A furious row has erupted between Britain’s most influential think-tank and the Institute of Directors (IoD) over a report which questions the commitment of business to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The IoD, which paid for an NOP survey of 500 businesses, on which the report is based, is refusing to give permission to the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) to publish its report on the findings on Tuesday, saying the study is not a fair reflection of the views expressed. But the IPPR, a left-leaning body with links to Tony Blair, says its interpretation has been endorsed by NOP, and is seeking legal advice over whether it can release the paper. The argument focuses on key findings in the jointly commissioned report, a copy of which The Observer has obtained. IPPR author Ella Joseph says these show ‘hypocrisy’ by business and a gulf between the supportive rhetoric on CSR and reality. ... lees meer