Building responsible and resilient supply chains

Supply chains have become global and highly complex. Building and maintaining a resilient supply chain is a key success factor for businesses operating in a fast-changing world. EY Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) collaborated with the UN Global Compact on the study in an effort to better understand how companies are managing their supply chains […] ... lees meer

There’s a Clear Path for Business on Sustainability, Finds United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Strategy Study

Eighty-seven percent of chief executive officers (CEOs) say the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent an essential opportunity to rethink approaches to sustainability, and nearly half (49 percent) say businesses will be the most important actor in their delivery, according to a new study by the UN Global Compact and Accenture. Launched at […] ... lees meer

Sustainia publishes 100 innovative solutions to world’s biggest problems

This is the year of ‘systemic opportunity’ – according to the findings of the 2016 Sustainia100, an annual publication which presents the most innovative, available, scalable and sustainable solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. From health solutions that tackle climate change, to renewable energy products that alleviate gender inequality, this year’s publication sets out 100 […] ... lees meer

Strategic Partnership on Breakthrough Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Global Compact and Volans announced a partnership to develop the Breakthrough Innovation Platform to drive radical new business models to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by connecting traditional companies with innovators and entrepreneurs. Aligned with the UN Global Compact’s priority of translating the new SDGs into business action, the aim of […] ... lees meer

Het 1ste Global Sustainability Report van C&A

C&A kondigt vandaag de publicatie van zijn eerste Global Sustainability Report aan. Het verslag geeft details over de vooruitgang die C&A in 2015 heeft geboekt op de in datzelfde jaar voor 2020 gestelde doelen. De doelstellingen voor 2020 markeerden een ambitieus nieuw duurzaamheidscommitment en vormen een strategisch kader voor C&A. Zoals Jeffrey Hogue, C&A’s Global […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact Launches “Pioneers” Programme for SDGs

United Nations Global Compact headquarters announced today the launch of a multi-year Local Network SDG Action Plan – the centerpiece being a “Pioneers” programme aimed to spur action and inspire business to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in countries around the world. The overall Action Plan is designed to assist the UN Global Compact’s […] ... lees meer

World of business must play part in achieving new Sustainable Development Goals – UN chief

Speaking at the Global Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the world’s business community to play its full role in helping to achieve the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which seeks to eliminate poverty, hunger and a raft of social ills, all within 15 years. “I ask […] ... lees meer

114 Companies Commit to Set Ambitious Science-Based Emissions Reduction Targets, Surpassing Goal

The Science Based Targets initiative announced today that 114 companies have now committed to set emissions reduction targets in line with what scientists say is necessary to keep global warming below the dangerous threshold of 2 degrees Celsius. The announcement was made at the LPAA Business focus event hosted by Caring for Climate at COP21 […] ... lees meer

Eneco Groep opereert in lijn met het 2˚C-scenario voor broeikasgasemissies

Eneco Groep heeft haar uitstoot van broeikasgassen en doelstellingen tot en met 2020 in lijn gebracht met de route naar de 2˚C-doelstelling in 2050. Hiermee is Eneco wereldwijd één van de eerste bedrijven die kan aantonen dat het over haar gehele keten bijdraagt aan het realiseren van de mondiale klimaatdoelstelling. De broeikasgasemissies die worden veroorzaakt door het […] ... lees meer

Paul Polman to Receive United Nations Champion of the Earth Award

Paul Polman has been announced as one of the winners of the UN’s highest environmental accolade for leading the private sector toward sustainability, both in his role as Unilever CEO and as a tireless advocate for more sustainable business models. Mr. Polman, who receives the award in the Entrepreneurial Vision category, is being recognized for […] ... lees meer

MVO-initiatieven BCD Travel bij de beste 7% van de reissector

BCD Travel heeft zijn positie verbeterd op de wereldwijde lijst van bedrijven op gebied van Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (MVO). De marktleider in zakenreismanagement in de Benelux kreeg de op één na hoogste onderscheiding van onafhankelijk consultant EcoVadis, die het bedrijf beoordeelde op 21 verschillende MVO-criteria.    Het onderzoek plaatst BCD Travel in de top 7% […] ... lees meer