How to approach Corporate Responsibility

There is often a lot of confusion around Corporate Responsibility and what organizations need to do to account for their actions. What are the key facets of a good Corporate Responsibility policy and how exactly will it benefit the business? ... lees meer

New guide urges companies to take responsibility for their actions

A new guide has been published today, urging UK plc to recognise the impact of their actions on the three R’s – recruitment, retention and reputation. Calling on organisations to take corporate responsibility seriously, the guide encourages employers to look beyond statutory obligations. It also outlines how businesses should report on Corporate Responsibility. ... lees meer

Internationale academici kondigen nieuwe strategie aan voor duurzaam ondernemen

Organisaties die in de toekomst meer winst willen maken, moeten zich concentreren op inspanningen die nuttig zijn voor zowel aandeelhouders, de maatschappij en het milieu. Aandacht voor slechts één van deze gebieden, ten koste van de twee andere, brengt het lange termijn succes van het bedrijf in gevaar. Focus op duurzaam ondernemen is de beste manier om de drievoudige strategie te implementeren. Hierdoor kunnen organisaties innoveren, zich differentiëren en succes hebben. Dit zijn de belangrijkste conclusies uit een rapport dat is gepubliceerd door een groep internationale academische experts op het gebied van duurzaam ondernemen. Het rapport biedt een nieuwe aanpak hoe duurzaamheid ingezet kan worden voor vernieuwing en internationale samenwerking. Het onderzoek werd gesponsord door Cisco en BT. ... lees meer

Being Socially Responsible Has a Positive Impact on Employees and several other

Research conducted by the Kenexa Research Institute (KRI), a division of Kenexa(R) , a leading provider of talent acquisition and retention solutions, evaluated workers’ perceptions of their organizations with regard to corporate social responsibility. The report is based on the analysis of data drawn from a representative sample of workers surveyed in 2007 through WorkTrends(TM), KRI’s annual survey of worker opinions. The survey included workers from Brazil, China, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. ... lees meer

Survey Shows Most US Firms Currently Lack Formal Strategies and Processes to Fulfill Sustainability Commitments

While a majority of North American firms in the survey (almost 60 percent) have a documented corporate-level sustainability strategy, just over one-third (36 percent) have adopted a formal sustainability strategy for the supply management organization-a crucial step in ultimately being able to deliver on their sustainability promises. ... lees meer

UK sees first bill to require CSR reporting

Up until early November, UK companies were not required to file CSR reports. With the passing of the Companies Act; the largest bill to pass through Commons, directors will have to report on what they are doing and therefore, having to consider how it affects the community and environment. The Companies Act makes it mandatory for business to report anything concerning the welfare of the employees, community, environment and the company itself. It will allow shareholders and the general public to judge companies’ performances. ... lees meer

As Climate Debate Matures, Companies Strategize Solutions and Investors Push for Disclosure

By Bill Baue, The release last month of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change by former World Bank Chief Economist Sir Nicholas Stern and Climate Change–the Costs of Inaction by Tufts University researchers catalyzes a major shift in the climate debate. Gone are questions of whether climate change is real or caused by humans (the answer if “yes” to both). Now, skeptics and believers argue over the Review’s estimates that inaction on climate change will cost 20 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) annually, while the report from Tufts’ Global Development and Environment Institute pegs it at six to eight percent by century’s end. Both contend that action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to safer levels would cost much less–as little as one percent of global GDP per year according to the Review. ... lees meer