Water is quickly becoming an economic issue for US companies

Although many companies outside the United States are beginning to acknowledge that water poses real risks to their business, limited analysis exists to reveal how companies in the United States specifically perceive and respond to the issue. To help fill that research void, my firm, VOX Global, along with Pacific Institute conducted a survey of more than […] ... lees meer

Yvo de Boer Appointed to Head GGGI

Yvo de Boer, the current KPMG Global Chairman of the Climate Change & Sustainability Services (CC&S) and former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has been appointed as head of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). Succeeding Howard Bamsey, Mr. de Boer will lead the Seoul-based international organization as Director-General, serving a […] ... lees meer

Rekentool Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn Ecodesign gratis beschikbaar

De Vereniging FME-CWM en Koninklijke Metaalunie hebben met input van Federatie NRK een rekentool ontwikkeld om het toepassen van de Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn Ecodesign te vereenvoudigen. Deze rekentool is voor leden van deze branches gratis beschikbaar. Hiermee wordt het toepassen van Ecodesign bij het ontwerpen en verbeteren van producten eenvoudiger. De Nederlandse Praktijkrichtlijn CEN/TS 16524 en […] ... lees meer

New UNGC Guide Helps Companies Report Their Positions on Climate Policy

For the first time ever, companies have a guide to manage and report on their direct and indirect influences on climate policy. The UN Global Compact, in cooperation with seven leading international organizations, released guidelines to help companies engage in climate policy in a transparent and accountable way that is consistent with their sustainability commitments. […] ... lees meer

Sustainable products, a key factor for Far Eastern businesses

Product sustainability is becoming key for Asian businesses. This is one of the key findings from an international survey conducted by the research institute GFK Eurisko and DNV Business Assurance, on more than 2300 professionals from companies across different industries in Europe, North America, Central & South America and Asia. Need and capability to deliver sustainable products The strongest […] ... lees meer

The 2012 Sustainability Leadership Report: Corporate performance rising, but key stakeholders remain skeptical

Corporations who’ve pushed hard this last year to improve their performance in sustainability may now face a new challenge – a growing skepticism among professional investors, supply chain officials and recent higher education graduates. Such are the results of the 2012 Sustainability Leadership Report, now in its second year, which analyzes real vs. perceived sustainability performance for 100 leading global brands that collectively represent 16 percent of the world’s economic output. ... lees meer

Sustainable ways of living are SPREADing across Europe

New initiatives and social innovation to inspire a shift to sustainable, high-quality lifestyles in the Europe of 2050 New report finds that a growing number of people across Europe are changing the ways in which they live, move, and consume in exchange for higher quality, less impact on the environment, and that saves money. ... lees meer

Grondstofschaarste niet op agenda Nederlandse bedrijfsleven

De prijs van grondstoffen stijgt de laatste jaren fors en in de toekomst zullen er minder grondstoffen beschikbaar zijn. Toch hebben maar weinig bedrijven een beleid om zich te wapenen tegen de risico’s van grondstofschaarste en fluctuerende prijzen. Dat blijkt uit de jongste PwC Duurzaamheidbarometer onder 208 Nederlandse beleidsmakers op het terrein van duurzaam ondernemen. Slechts één op de vijf heeft een beleid hoe om te gaan met grondstofschaarste. Dat beleid is met name gericht op efficiënter gebruik van materialen en energie en slechts mondjesmaat op vervanging. ... lees meer

Sustainability Survey: Global Warming Cools Off as Top Concern

Concern about climate change/global warming among online consumers around the world took a back-seat to other environmental issues such as air and water pollution, water shortages, packaging waste and use of pesticides, according to Nielsen’s 2011 Global Online Environment & Sustainability Survey of more than 25,000 Internet respondents in 51 countries. ... lees meer