Top global firms commit to tackling inequality by joining G7 Business for Inclusive Growth coalition

A group of major international companies (including IKEA and Unilever) has pledged to tackle inequality and promote diversity in their workplaces and supply chains as part of a G7 initiative sponsored by French President Emmanuel Macron and overseen by the OECD. The Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) coalition will be launched at the G7 Leaders’ […] ... lees meer

Onafhankelijke commissie textielconvenant doet eerste uitspraken over bedrijven

De onafhankelijke klachten- en geschillencommissie van het Convenant Duurzame Kleding en Textiel heeft voor het eerst uitspraken gedaan in twee geschillen. De geschillen zijn aangedragen door partijen in het convenant en betroffen de bedrijven Corn. Van Dijk B.V. (Vandyck) en Manderley Fashion B.V., die beiden het convenant hebben ondertekend. Het Convenant Duurzame Kleding is in 2016 ondertekend met […] ... lees meer

First International Standards for sustainable and traceable cocoa just published

Cocoa is a tricky business. The prime ingredient in one of the world’s favourite treats, chocolate, the humble cocoa bean, is a difficult crop to cultivate. What’s more, it is mostly grown on smallholder farms in regions of the world that lack adequate infrastructure and offer poor living conditions. The sustainability of cocoa production, therefore, […] ... lees meer

Business leaders urge EU heads of state to signal new economic direction towards net zero by 2050

On the eve of the Future of Europe Summit, CEOs from more than 50 businesses, investors and business networks, including Unilever, IKEA, LeasePlan, FrieslandCampina, Aegon and DSM, are calling on the EU to endorse a long-term decarbonisation strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In an open letter, leading European businesses, investors and business networks […] ... lees meer

Negen van tien textielbedrijven goed op weg met duurzame afspraken

Uit een beoordeling blijkt dat 86% van de deelnemende merken aan het Convenant Duurzame Kleding en Textiel goed op weg is om te voldoen aan de afspraken in het convenant. Dat staat in de jaarrapportage die het convenant vandaag publiceert. Door inzicht te verzamelen van omstandigheden in een groter aantal productielocaties, in de materialen die bedrijven gebruikten […] ... lees meer

Organizations call for Brazilian mining company Vale to be delisted from the UN Global Compact

An international group of civil society organizations, including Dutch based SOMO, submitted a request for the exclusion of the Brazilian mining company Vale from the United Nations Global Compact, the largest network for corporate social responsibility in the world. In light of the collapse of another iron ore waste tailings dam, this time in Brumadinho […] ... lees meer

United Nations, World Economic Forum and partners unite to address e-waste

Seven UN entities have come together, supported by the World Economic Forum, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) to call for an overhaul of the current electronics system, with the aim of supporting international efforts to address e-waste challenges. The report calls for a systematic collaboration with major brands, small and medium-sized […] ... lees meer

Constantijn van Oranje en New Energy Coalition brengen 100 grote denkers bijeen voor energietransitie

Vandaag buigen in de Haagse Ridderzaal 100 grote denkers uit het bedrijfsleven, de overheid, de wetenschap en de startup community- zich over de vraag: Hoe kunnen we sleuteltechnologieën door vertalen naar impactvolle innovatie en zo als Nederland het voortouw nemen in het wereldwijd verminderen van onze ecologische footprint? Doel is versnelling creëren en de (economische) […] ... lees meer

A new study from MIT Sloan School finds consumers are willing to pay a premium for supply chain visibility

Companies from Patagonia to Nike to Levi’s are leading the charge on social responsibility and supply chain transparency and they’ve encouraged their competitors to follow suit. But getting better visibility into a supply chain is an expensive and time-consuming endeavor for apparel makers. What’s more, its benefits are not entirely clear. Do customers really care? […] ... lees meer

LeasePlan en Lightyear leveren eerste leaseauto op zonne-energie

LeasePlan Nederland gaat samenwerken met de Nederlandse scale-up Lightyear, het eerste bedrijf ter wereld dat een elektrische zonneauto ontwikkelt voor consumenten. LeasePlan Nederland wordt leasingpartner van Lightyear voor de Lightyear One, de eerste auto die het bedrijf produceert. Naar verwachting rijdt de Pioneer Edition van de Lightyear One in 2020 op de Nederlandse wegen. Lightyear, […] ... lees meer

Milestone Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action launched

The global fashion sector this week significantly increased momentum to address climate change by launching the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. Under the auspices of UN Climate Change, leading fashion brands, retailers, supplier organizations, and others, including a major shipping company, have agreed to collectively address the climate impact of the fashion sector across […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact calls on companies to set their science-based targets with a new level of ambition

Senior executives of business and finance, civil society, the United Nations and Government met at the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) this week to identify key steps to accelerate low-carbon and resilient development. The High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate was convened by the UN […] ... lees meer