UN Global Compact launches new report on human rights as the foundation of sustainable business

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact has released a new report — Human Rights: The Foundation of Sustainable Business — showcasing opportunities for businesses of all sizes and sectors to strengthen and scale up their efforts on human rights. Launched at the 2018 UN Forum on […] ... lees meer

Trucost Identifies $233 Billion SDG-Aligned Revenues in Inaugural SDG Evaluation

Trucost, part of S&P Global, has announced findings from the inaugural application of its SDG Evaluation Tool. The 13 companies that participated in the inaugural application generated almost $233 billion of SDG-aligned business revenues in 2017; equivalent to 87% of their total revenues. On September 25th 2015, more than 150 world leaders adopted the United Nations […] ... lees meer

2018 New Climate Economy Report Launch

New Climate Economy is delighted to announce the publication of the 2018 Report of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century: Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times. The Report’s major finding is that we are significantly underestimating the benefits of cleaner, climate-smart growth: bold climate action could […] ... lees meer

Maastricht School of Management ramps up commitment to sustainability & CSR

With sustainability at its core, Maastricht School of Management, as a unique Dutch business school, is preparing MBA students to make a difference. In 2006, the United Nations Global Compact—the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative—presented at the UN Global Forum on the topic of Business as an Agent of World Benefit. The UN body proposed […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact: Corporates must stop ‘cherry-picking’ the SDGs

Large businesses will soon risk losing investor interest and stakeholder trust unless they stop “cherry-picking” which of the United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they report on and omitting negative impacts from their sustainability reports. That is according to UN Global Compact’s (UNGC) chief of programmes, Lila Karbassi, who recently worked on the Compact’s […] ... lees meer

Financiële sector maakt zich op voor het Klimaatakkoord

Vijftien Nederlandse banken, verzekeraars, pensioenfondsen, vermogensbeheerders en investeerders gaan de klimaatimpact van hun financieringen en beleggingen meten en extern rapporteren met als doel een belangrijke bijdrage te leveren aan de Nederlandse klimaatdoelstellingen, te weten: tenminste 49% CO2-reductie in 2030, 100% in 2050. Hiervoor ondertekenen zij de Spitsbergen Ambitie die op dinsdag 26 juni 2018 om 12.00 uur […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact launches new action platform for Sustainable Ocean Business and development

Friday, on World Oceans Day,  the United Nations Global Compact launched the newly formed Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform — a three-year global programme bringing together business, civil society, the UN and Governments to advance the ocean economy and sustainable development. The ocean, the world’s greatest common resource, holds a great potential to deliver on […] ... lees meer

Tweede Nederlandse voortgangsrapportage: “Bedrijfsleven goed op weg met SDG’s maar op gebied van milieu, klimaat en energie en gender extra inzet nodig”

De Rijksoverheid heeft ter verantwoording de 2de Nationale SDG voortgangsrapportage gepubliceerd: hoe staat het met de implementatie van de Sustainable Development Goals in Nederland. Deze rapportage geeft aan waar Nederland nu staat, welke koers is uitgezet in de vorm van nieuwe initiatieven en beleidsvoorstellen en, waar mogelijk, wat het komende jaar gepland is. Deze rapportage […] ... lees meer

Unilever and Leaseplan Dutch signatories of ambitious new climate declaration

The Oslo Climate Leadership Declaration – signed by the CEOs of Unilever, Leaseplan, IKEA, HP and more –  calls for accelerated climate action from companies, through setting science-based targets to help limit global warming to well below twodegrees. Signatories also commit to use their voice as business leaders to inspire their peers, value chains, and policymakers […] ... lees meer

SDG Evaluation Tool Launched by Trucost

Trucost, a leader in carbon and environmental data and risk analysis, has launched the Trucost SDG Evaluation Tool to help enable companies to identify business risks and opportunities aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On September 25th 2015, countries adopted the goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for […] ... lees meer

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond nieuwe voorzitter Global Compact Netwerk Nederland

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond is de nieuwe voorzitter van Global Compact Netwerk Nederland. Scheijgrond volgt daarmee André van Heemstra op, die aan de wieg heeft gestaan van het Global Compact Netwerk in Nederland. Scheijgrond is Vice President Global Government and Public Affairs bij Royal Philips en is verantwoordelijk voor de relatie met overheden en stakeholders inzake de […] ... lees meer