DSM sets science-based reduction targets for emissions

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, announced today that it has set new science-based reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions. The new targets have been reviewed and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and aligned with the Paris climate agreement. DSM is the first European company in its sector to […] ... lees meer

Arla Foods streeft naar netto klimaatneutrale zuivel

Arla Foods en haar 10.300 eigenaren presenteren een ambitieus plan om de transitie naar duurzame zuivelproductie te versnellen. De hoofddoelstelling in het duurzaamheidsprogramma is het reduceren van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen met 30% per kilo melk in de komende tien jaar. Bovendien werkt Arla Foods aan netto klimaatneutrale zuivel in 2050.  “Wij willen onze leidende […] ... lees meer

Report: Companies Committed to UN Global Compact Perform Better Across Supply Chains

EcoVadis, the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, has published a new report on sustainability performance comparisons between organizations who have committed to the UN Global Compact principles vs. those that have not. Taking a deep dive into performance across key themes of Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Business Ethics and Sustainable Procurement, […] ... lees meer

Philips is op weg om in 2020 wereldwijd CO2-neutraal te zijn

Halverwege het vijfjarige duurzaamheidsprogramma Healthy people, Sustainable planet’ ligt Philips op schema om al zijn doelstellingen te halen, met 12% van de omzet uit circulaire producten en oplossingen en 64% uit groene inkomsten in 2018. Philips rapporteert verdere vooruitgang in zijn duurzaamheidsprestaties in 2018 met een aanzienlijke vermindering van zijn CO2-voetafdruk, namelijk met 10% ten […] ... lees meer

Science Based Targets initiative announces major updates following IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) will introduce major new updates to enable companies to set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets consistent with the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement, to limit average global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century compared to pre-industrial temperatures. New technical resources and an updated set […] ... lees meer

Organizations call for Brazilian mining company Vale to be delisted from the UN Global Compact

An international group of civil society organizations, including Dutch based SOMO, submitted a request for the exclusion of the Brazilian mining company Vale from the United Nations Global Compact, the largest network for corporate social responsibility in the world. In light of the collapse of another iron ore waste tailings dam, this time in Brumadinho […] ... lees meer

New report highlights business opportunities presented by climate action

The United Nations Global Compact today joined 500 business leaders and students at the Go Explorer Day 2019 in Norway to kick off a year of climate solutions and to launch a new report on the business opportunities presented by climate action. Published by DNV GL and Sustainia with support from the UN Global Compact, Global Opportunity Explorer 2019 […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact calls on companies to set their science-based targets with a new level of ambition

Senior executives of business and finance, civil society, the United Nations and Government met at the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) this week to identify key steps to accelerate low-carbon and resilient development. The High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate was convened by the UN […] ... lees meer

Philips sets new CO2 emission targets for the 2020 – 2040 period, approved by the Science Based Targets initiative

Philips announced its new greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the 2020 – 2040 period. As a health technology industry-first, Philips has had its new CO2 emission targets assessed and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) – a collaboration between the CDP, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the […] ... lees meer

RSM and Global Compact NL close alliance to help business impact SDGs

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and Global Compact Network Netherlands (GCNL) are joining forces to use management knowledge to advance the positive impact of businesses towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They signed the alliance at GCNL’s annual meeting, where they launched their SDG progress report ‘Business on their way to 2030’ which was hosted at Erasmus […] ... lees meer

Meer bedrijven aan de slag met Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen

Steeds meer Nederlandse bedrijven werken actief aan het realiseren van de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) van de Verenigde Naties. Dat blijkt uit een voortgangsrapportage van het Global Compact Netwerk Nederland (GCNL), dat aan VNO-NCW is gelieerd. Van de aangesloten bedrijven is nu 89 procent actief bezig, tegen 68 procent een jaar eerder. Innovaties nodig Het is de […] ... lees meer

CEO van United Nations Global Compact helpt bedrijven met de Sustainable Development Goals

Hoe verwerk je als bedrijf de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in je bedrijfsvoering, zodat je zoveel maatschappelijke impact hebt? Op die vraag en veel meer geeft Lise Kingo, CEO van United Nations Global Compact, aanstaande vrijdag een antwoord op een speciale bijeenkomst over de SDG’s voor bedrijven. Lise Kingo zal tijdens de bijeenkomst aan de […] ... lees meer