Global business and workers unite in call for international cooperation in response to COVID-19

Ahead of next week’s cancelled G20 leaders summit, the world’s business and workers’ organisations have joined forces to issue an open letter calling on political leaders to commit to bold coordinated action that leaves no one behind in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter is co-signed by the leaders of the International Chamber of […] ... lees meer

Prijsuitreiking Koning Willem I Prijzen uitgesteld tot najaar 2020

De finale en de prijsuitreiking van de Koning Willem I Prijzen, die tweejaarlijks worden toegekend door de Koning Willem I Stichting, worden uitgesteld tot komend najaar. Het bestuur van de stichting met als voorzitter prof. dr. Klaas Knot, president van De Nederlandsche Bank, heeft besloten om de feestelijke uitreiking van de prijzen te verplaatsen naar […] ... lees meer

Tienduizenden zonnepanelen op Veenendaalse bedrijfsdaken

Veenendaalse bedrijfsdaken worden in hoog tempo voorzien van vele duizenden zonnepanelen. Dat is het resultaat van Zon op Bedrijfsdaken:  het gezamenlijk initiatief van Bedrijvenkring Ondernemend Veenendaal (BOV), gemeente Veenendaal en adviesbureau Econnetic. In 2017 zijn er ambitieuze plannen gemaakt voor het verduurzamen van de gemeente Veenendaal. René van Holsteijn, voorzitter van het bestuur van ‘Zon […] ... lees meer

WBCSD launches new SDG learning platform to support businesses

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has launched a new online learning platform to support businesses in raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within their organizations. By spending 10 – 15 minutes navigating this platform, users will undergo a crash-course in the SDGs and their relevance to business, setting them up […] ... lees meer

Tearing down the carbon footprint of buildings with new International Standard

Contributing nearly 40 % of global CO2 emissions from energy, the building sector has enormous potential to clean up our world. A new International Standard helps the industry do just that by optimizing how buildings are used as well as effectively reusing and recycling their components when their time is finally up. ISO 20887, Sustainability […] ... lees meer

PACE Announces Four New Board Members including Stientje van Veldhoven

PACE, the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy, is pleased to announce that four new members are joining its board of directors. Coming from government, business and civil society, the new board members bring years of experience and leadership to help address the consumption challenge and speed up the transition to a circular economy. PACE is an […] ... lees meer

New International Guidance set to improve social responsibility in the global food chain

Social responsibility is not only good for business, it is everyone’s business. New international guidance for the agri-food sector has just been published. From ending hunger and obesity to protecting our natural resources, the food and agricultural industry has a huge role to play in the sustainable development of our world. ISO 26000 is an international reference […] ... lees meer

Detailhandel Nederland start campagne ‘Je verdient beter!’

Ook winkelier is met duurzaam ondernemen bezig De winkelier is steeds vaker met duurzaam ondernemen bezig. Het doen van investeringen is daarbij een belangrijk element en soms kan het ook vrij makkelijk door het plaatsen van LED-verlichting. Vandaar dat Detailhandel Nederland een campagne is gestart: ‘Je verdient beter!’ Vier winkeliers vertellen dat het energiebesparend maken […] ... lees meer

Rapport: transparantie in de kledingindustrie neemt fors toe

Volgens een nieuw rapport van Schone Kleren Campagne samen met een aantal andere organisaties en vakbonden is er de afgelopen drie jaar veel verbeterd aan hoe transparant kledingbedrijven zijn over hun toeleveringsketens. Toch kan het nog stukken beter: de meeste merken moeten nog over de streep worden getrokken.  In 2016 werd de Transparency Pledge opgesteld […] ... lees meer

Green companies urge EU to implement Green Deal with strong price incentives

Green companies including about 2900 SMEs and 100 large businesses call upon the EU to launch a Green Deal with a Circular Economy Action Plan generating strong traction to low-carbon circular products and services. A recent report by the European Environmental Agency gave devastating marks for Europe’s environment policies. European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans has stated that “we can fix this” […] ... lees meer

Green economy ‘not to be feared, but an opportunity to be embraced’ says UN chief as COP25 gets underway

A green economy is “not one to be feared but an opportunity to be embraced”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, in a keynote speech to delegates at the opening of the COP25 UN climate conference in Madrid on Monday. The tasks are many, timelines are tight, every item is important Mr. Guterres outlined the […] ... lees meer

Big business flexes its muscles on clean energy in crucial year for climate action

The world’s most influential companies are actively engaging with policy makers and utilities to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, a new RE100 report finds today (December 2) – but governments must now remove the remaining barriers. Going 100% renewable: how companies are demanding a faster market response is the 2019 RE100 Progress and Insights Annual Report from international […] ... lees meer