Jan Hommen, CEO of ING commented: “As a financial company, we enable economic and social change that influences many people’s lives. We can only do well by doing right for all our stakeholders, and by not damaging but strengthening the world around us. I am proud of the initiatives we have taken in 2009 regarding our refreshed Business Principles, our Defence Policy, environmental protection issues and the intensified dialogue with our stakeholders. Moving forward, our goal remains to be a company that takes its responsibilities towards society seriously, is easier to deal with for customers, motivational for employees and predictable for shareholders. After all, our license to operate comes from the trust our stakeholders have in us”.

The 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report is available in English and can be downloaded as of today at www.ingforsomethingbetter.com/report . The Dutch version will be available as of 21 April.