Workshop Stakeholder Engagement (webinar)


14:00 - 15:30


Online webinar
Workshop Stakeholder Engagement (webinar)

Global Compact Network Netherland launched the publication ’Stakeholder Inclusion as accelerator for the SDGs – Inspiration from The Netherlands’. The publication shows that the Netherlands is guiding on the way how stakeholders are involved in business and shows the positive correlation with impact on the SDGs. The business cases and quotes of the CEOs (with many thanks to the contributants) illustrate this. Besides that, the report contains a practical model (focused on 6 steps and 4 gears) and it offers a questionnaire that can be used  by companies who want to improve their stakeholder involvement.

As a follow up, Global Compact Network Netherlands organizes a free online workshop where they share the lessons and recommendations of this publication and discuss what they can mean for your organization.

Register here for the online workshop.

Haven’t downloaded the publication of Global Compact Network Netherlands yet? Download it here on their website.

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