Webinar ‘Taking full responsibility for your carbon emissions’


15:00 - 15:45


Online webinar
Webinar 'Taking full responsibility for your carbon emissions'

Taking full responsibility

To achieve global NetZero targets, organisations must avoid and reduce their negative climate impact as much as possible by 2030. But this is not enough. As recent IPCC reports and previous climate agreements highlight, business leaders have to take further action. Organisations, including yours, should take full responsibility for their current emissions when working towards NetZero. This entails calculating your carbon footprint, reducing your emissions, and using green energy certificates and offsets for remaining emissions. Offsetting involves investing in certified projects while restoring nature and mitigating climate change.

In this webinar, Climate Neutral Group elaborates on the urgency of taking full responsibility by incorporating offsetting as a must-have instrument in any NetZero transition. We will explain offsetting as a fundamental concept and outline what we consider to be the optimal offsetting strategy for any and every organisation.

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