Webinar Regenerative Agriculture


15:00 - 16:30


Online webinar
Webinar Regenerative Agriculture

Are you a company, NGO or knowledge institute and working on Regenerative Agriculture in your project? Or do you want to learn more about this topic in general? Then join our online webinar on July 6 from 15.00 – 16.30 hrs.

In this webinar by RVO Nederland we want to give you more background information on Regenerative Agriculture in general, and also demonstrate how this method can cut both ways: raising the income of small scale farmers, while improving biodiversity and climate resilience.

We take a deep dive in 2 RVO-projects which focus on Regenerative Agriculture; a cocoa project in Sierra Leone and an agroforestry project in Indonesia. Our project partners Tradin Organic and AidEnvironment will share their experiences and will elaborate on tips & tricks to make Regenerative Agriculture more effective in future projects.

Tentative Program

15.05 – 15.10 Welcome and introduction By Iemy Brand (project advisor) – RVO
15.10 – 15.30 Key-note on Regenerative Agriculture By Michelle Awuor (Regenerative Specialist East Africa)

– Grounded

15.30 – 15.50 Deep dive cocoa project – Sierra Leone (FVO) By Karst Kooistra (Global Sourcing Development Director) – Tradin Organic
15.50 – 16.10 Deep dive agroforestry project -Indonesia (SDGP) By Lysanne Vergroesen (Sustainable Landscape Mngt) – AidEnvironment
16.10 – 16.25 Questions and wrap-up Facilitated by RVO colleagues

Looking forward to welcome you in our webinar! Register here!

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