Webinar ‘Private sector climate action: What is the right thing to do?’


16:00 - 17:00


Online webinar
Webinar 'Private sector climate action: What is the right thing to do?'

Carbon finance allows you to sit in your London home office and track in detail what’s happening at the forest protection project you support in Senegal. But this transparency is also why carbon finance is often scrutinized and sometimes criticised.

Join South Pole CEO, Renat Heuberger and senior expert, Dr. Maria Carvahlo, in this lively session to learn how the voluntary carbon market works, how businesses can use it to scale up climate action and how carbon finance is driving the global transition to net zero. We will also cover what the private sector should look out for and why it’s important for businesses to align actions and net zero targets with the latest climate science, so as not to be accused of greenwashing.

Governments, civil society and businesses large and small need to step up their climate action if we are to keep global warming within safe levels: so let’s get it right.


Renat Heuberger
CEO, South Pole
Dr Maria Carvalho
Public Affairs Specialist, South Pole

More speakers will be announced shortly.


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