Webinar on Successful Responsible Business Conduct: the key elements for business leaders


11:13 - 22:30


Online webinar
Webinar on Successful Responsible Business Conduct: the key elements for business leaders

The need for setting up an effective human rights and environmental due diligence system is more pressing than ever. The EU Due Diligence Law proposal aimed at making businesses accountable for human rights violations and environmental harm in their value chain, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the growing demand of customers and job-seekers for socially and environmentally responsible companies illustrate this well.

The SER would like to invite you to a webinar on Successful Responsible Business Conduct: the key elements for business leaders on Monday May 16th at 11.30 CET.

Who is it for and what will be covered

  • This webinar is aimed at both senior management of SME’s and larger companies, who are truly committed to conducting business responsibly,
  • And want to know more about the success factors for setting up an effective human rights and environmental due diligence system within their company.
  • Stakeholders who want to understand what senior management should focus on when setting up an effective system are also invited to join. Often when companies wish to start practicing due diligence, they dive into the due diligence steps without checking for key success factors within their own company including looking at top management, the organizational structure and the culture of an organisation first.

In this webinar we will share the six success factors for setting up an effective due diligence system. We will do so via storytelling and real examples of companies that have been identified via the experiences of the international RBC sector agreements which are all based on the UNGP’s and the OECD due diligence guidelines – practical experience of MVO Nederland, UN Global Compact, VNO-NCW, MKB Nederland and academic support from the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.

What will you learn

  • After the webinar you will know what factors you will need to look at within your own organisation to be able to set up an effective due diligence system.
  • You will know which tools and follow up guidance is available to support you in this process.
  • You will also get more insights in how multistakeholder initiatives work and a sectoral approach can bring to implement due diligence.

Practical in-person follow-up

Following the session there will be different practical in-person sessions that will dive deeper into how you can implement these success factors in your own company. This will support you in setting up an effective due diligence system. During the session you will be given the opportunity to indicate your further interest and a follow-up will organised soon.

Charlotte Scheltus – Team lead for International Responsible Business Conduct at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER).


Alexandra van der Selm – Program Director for International Responsible Business Conduct at the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER).
Arnoud van Vliet – Manager CSR & Quality Zeeman.
Fleur Meerman – Senior Policy Advisor at Social Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)

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