Webinar: Meaningful Right-Holder Engagement during Human Rights Due Diligence


10:00 - 11:30


Online webinar
Webinar: Meaningful Right-Holder Engagement during Human Rights Due Diligence

NB: This event is only for organizations that joined the UN Global Compact
Language: English

Background on Right Holder Engagement

Companies aiming to effectively implement the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) often face a challenge in the lack of meaningful consultation, dialogue, and engagement with (potentially) affected right-holders during the human rights due diligence (HRDD) process.

In accordance with the framework of UNGPs, specifically Principle 18, the meaningful engagement of potentially affected groups and other stakeholders is an essential component of due diligence processes. In practice, however, vulnerable or affected groups are often excluded from the process, rarely have an equal say and their voice is not being captured. Although there is no one fits all approach to right holder engagement, as right holders differ in type, and the companies differ in size, sector, purpose, and other business parameters, some guidance in this respect can be given.

About this event

This session will provide a practical overview for business practitioners on how to identify the right-holders across the HRDD process, understand their concerns, and decide on the level of engagement with them.

This Webinar will address the following questions:
– What is the difference between stakeholders and right-holders in HRDD?
– How can I identify key stakeholders and right-holders, and consider their vulnerability?
– How can I best capture their voices, especially when under time and budget constraints?
– What does ‘meaningful engagement’ actually look like?


  • Moderator: Louise Vytopil, KPMG
  • Linda van Beek, Global Compact Network Netherlands
  • Marianne van Keep, Verstegen Spices & Sauces BV
  • Annelien van Meer, ASR
  • Nicola Jägers, Tilburg University

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