Webinar ‘ESG Data Essentials for Every Organisation’


16:00 - 17:00


Online webinar
Webinar 'ESG Data Essentials for Every Organisation'

Whether you have an in-house sustainability team, or you plan to outsource, the unavoidable starting point of your journey is gathering ESG Data. Join the sustainability and Climate leads of Nexio Projects as they share what kind of data you should be collecting. Ideal for sustainability managers, HR officers and other ad-hoc ESG data managers.

Collecting ESG data is one of the most essential part of your sustainability journey. Join our Sustainability and Climate leads as they take you through:
  • Importance of data collection for compliance
  • How to get started with data collection
  • Different types of data requirements
  • What kinds of data you should be collecting

We will leave approx. 15 minutes for Q&A

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