HUMAN webinar


10:00 - 12:00


Online webinar
HUMAN webinar

VBDO would like to invite you to the annual webinar that HUMAN, our multi-stakeholder platform for human rights, is organizing virtually on December 13th. We are happy to inform you that this year, next to CNV Internationaal, we welcome two new partners to HUMAN: ERM & EY. The participating organizations aim to further increase their impact and offer support in translating the ambitions of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). This year we will zoom in on the impact of crises on corporate human rights responsibilities and due diligence in supply chains.

Times of crises (e.g. covid-19, climate, resource, conflict zones)
The pandemic has impacted everything, including health, work, privacy, freedoms, and many more fundamentals that are so very central to human rights. It has exposed vulnerabilities in supply chains with far-reaching consequences for companies and their stakeholders. As a result, employees in the chain have been hit hard, among other things by suspended collective agreements, longer working hours, lower wages, and uncertain times for day laborers. Some effects are clearly visible, while others are not. We will need to understand and identify the new and hidden risks. One thing we know for sure is that transparency has decreased and that organizations have responded to this in different ways.

What is your response?
How do you best deal with this as a company or investor, but also as a civil society organization or government? What responsibilities do you have and what solutions are available? At HUMAN 2021 we want to work together to find answers through dialogue.


Digital walk-in – 09:45-10:00

Plenary 10:00-10:45

  • Introduction  – Angelique Laskewitz, Executive director, VBDO  – The purpose of HUMAN: a multi-stakeholder platform, and the necessity of our mission
  • Jan Niewold, Partner, EY – Origin of Human Rights at companies, from then until tomorrow
  • Anne Wehkamp, Lobbyist, CNV Internationaal – Update on EU/NL due diligence legislation – what is the latest update, and what can we expect?
  • Marina d’Engelbronner, Partner, ERM – Human rights in business – some practical experiences and learnings

Coffee break – 5 minutes

Breakouts 10:50-11:30

Breakout 1 – ERM & EY – Respecting human rights throughout the supply chain: how and what?

Breakout 2 –  CNV Internationaal – A case related to the COVID-19 crisis situation. How do you, as a stakeholder, deal with these kinds of problems, and what are the possible solutions (example from RBC covenants, more information will be disclosed soon)

Breakout 3 – VBDO – In conversation with company experts – What was the impact on brands and workers and how can negative impact be prevented? (moderated by VBDO, guest speaker to be disclosed)

Panel 11:30-12:00
Plenary reflection on outcomes of the three break-outs with special guest – focus is on barriers and solutions for upholding human rights during crises in global supply chains – special guest to be announced

Angelique Laskewitz (VBDO) – closing

In order to allow participants to freely speak their mind and will therefore be held under the Chatham House Rule.


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