HUMAN 2020 Webinar – Human Rights Due Diligence: Preparing for Legislation


14:00 - 15:30


Online webinar
HUMAN 2020 Webinar - Human Rights Due Diligence: Preparing for Legislation
We are delighted to invite you to the HUMAN 2020 Webinar – Human Rights Due Diligence: Preparing for Legislation. In this annual event we aim to support you in translating the aspirations of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGPs) in solid business practice, particularly focusing on due diligence and reporting processes.

The focus of this webinar will be on how companies and investors are dealing with human rights due diligence. A topic that is gaining attention now legislation is on its way. In a dialogue with government, companies and the financial sector it will be discussed how to best apply human rights due diligence.

Register for this webinar
  • How are companies implementing the OECD due diligence guidelines? Martijn Scheltema, Pels Rijcken & Droogleever Fortuijn
  • Panel discussion on expected legislation | VNO-NCW, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Break-out sessions:
    • How reliable is certification? | Rabobank
    • Challenges between a company’s ambition and the complexity of supply chains | Speaker t.b.d.
    • Developing a due diligence policy, dilemma’s in implementation | Friesland-Campina
  • Key takeaways

We welcome everyone to freely speak their mind. Therefore, the session will be held under the Chatham House Rule.

What is HUMAN?
HUMAN is a partnership between ICCO Cooperation, CNV Internationaal, and VBDO to advance the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights in the Netherlands. In the past four years, the HUMAN conferences successfully facilitated a dialogue between companies, investors, civil society organizations, research institutions, and governments on human rights & business.
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