Getting to grips with the CSRD: a webinar


15:00 - 16:00


Online webinar
Getting to grips with the CSRD: a webinar

Join South Pole for an introductory webinar on the EU’s latest reporting requirements: the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The CSRD requires substantially more information than previous ESG reporting. South Pole expert Magnus Kagg is here to talk you through the expanded requirements, which will affect nearly 50,000 EU companies.

When and Where:

Date: March 28, 2023 | 3:00 PM CET

Location: Online (webinar)

What will you learn?

Attendees of the session will learn to better understand the fundamentals of CSRD, its implications for their organisations, and the potential opportunities and challenges associated with its implementation. We will also provide participants with valuable insights on how to start preparing for the new CSRD reporting.

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the foundations of this new directive and how to get ready for the coming European sustainability reporting standards (ESRS)

What is the CSRD?

The CSRD requires companies in the EU to report on a range of sustainability risks and opportunities, from environmental and social issues to human rights and governance factors. The regulation is intended to facilitate transparency and help stakeholders assess the investment risks associated with climate change and other sustainability issues. The new rules start to apply from the fiscal year 2024, with reports due in 2025, for large- or sizable public interest companies. Medium and small-sized listed companies will need to report in the following years.

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