Event: Non-Financial Reporting for Financials – 2023 edition


14:00 - 17:30


KAS Meeting-Eventlocatie
De Bleek 13, Woerden, 3447 GV
KAS Meeting-Eventlocatie
Event: Non-Financial Reporting for Financials – 2023 edition

(Please note: this event will be held in Dutch)

Last year, at the ‘Non-Financial Reporting for Financials’ event, we spoke with a large group of financials about the new non-financial requirements that will be imposed on your organisation.

Recently, topics such as EU Taxonomy and CSRD, double materiality and sustainability communication plans have been highlighted frequently, and you know the laws and regulations.

In short: We know what to do, let’s get to work!

What can you expect at this event?

The ‘Non-Financial Reporting for Financials’ event will give you the tools to make your sustainability reporting process smarter and faster.

Leading organisations in this field will tell their story. They will show you how they got where they are today, and what is still ahead of them.

We also look at resources that can help you with these challenges.

Do you want to get started, but are looking for the right next step? Then this event is for you. Even if you have already started but are running into ambiguities, this opportunity to discuss with like-minded people is going to help you.


Mischa Ewoldt-van Leeuwen MSc RA, Manager ESG reporting at Stedin.

After working at KPMG and Eneco, Mischa started her career at Stedin 7 years ago as Head of Business Control. 2 years later she became Head of Group Control and since this year Mischa made the transition from finance to ESG as Manager ESG reporting. She will share her experiences regarding the non-financial reporting process and CSRD compliance at Stedin and the progress they have made since last year.

Wilfert van Veldhoven RA, Group Controller at Royal Cosun

Wilfert has been working as a Group Controller for Royal Cosun since 2016. Over the past years he has seen ESG/sustainability becoming part of his day-to-day job. From his experience, Wilfert will talk us through the work he and his colleagues at Royal Cosun are doing to deal with these new requirements, including the need for software support. What are the changes in his work and what resources does he use to make his job easier?

Jelle Mattias Holwerda RA, External auditor and member ESG Assurance working group at NDA

Jelle Mattias is a Dutch Chartered Accountant (In Dutch known as “Registeraccountant”). He is an experienced accountant in both the private sector with EY and the public sector with the Dutch Ministry of Finance. On top of that, he is a lecturer at Nyenrode Business University. Hence, he is an expert when it comes to auditing in the face of (sustainability) reporting.

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