Peter Ventress, President of Corporate Express Europe, commented: “I want to personally thank our customers for their participation. Insight in our customer’s needs is essential to our business. Incorporating the outcomes of the survey in our products and services offering, will support us to serve our customers even better. It also pleases me to see that we have found a way to combine our customer’s needs, our information need and social engagement all in one effort. This is an example of how we want to do business.”

On August 15th 2007, Peter Ventress officially handed over the cheque to Marcel Olislagers of UNICEF. Marcel commented: “We are very grateful for this donation. It shows how a little effort makes a big difference for children in Afghanistan. Corporate Express has indeed found a very innovative and unique way of creating a win-win situation. We welcome these kinds of initiatives.”

Corporate Express Business Principles and Code of Ethics place particular emphasis on fair business conduct, avoiding conflicts of interest, a commitment to sustainable environmental behaviour, community involvement and fair disclosure.