The EU’s Breaking Barriers Award, now in its third year, is organised by the European Commission in collaboration with the European Disability Forum. This year the award will honour companies across Europe who have adopted a ‘Design for All’ approach when creating their products, systems, services or environments.

The Commission has nominated 38 out of 80 submissions from across the EU for this year’s Breaking Barriers Award, organised to celebrate the European Day of Disabled People on December 3. The entries which come from companies ranging from NGOs to multinationals were selected from over 80 submissions from across the EU.

“It is heartening to see that Design for All principles are, in many cases, already firmly embedded in the policies and, indeed, in the day to day organisation of so many companies across Europe,” Commissioner Diamantopoulou said.

‘Design for All’ encourages designers to ensure that their products are accessible for people with as broad a range of abilities as possible.