Corruption Perceptions Index 2015: Corruption still rife but 2015 saw pockets of hope

2015 showed that people working together can succeed in the battle against corruption. Although corruption is still rife globally, more countries improved their scores in the 2015 edition of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index than declined. Overall, two-thirds of the 168 countries on the 2015 index scored below 50, on a scale from 0 (perceived […] ... lees meer

Companies blind to climate risks in half their suplly chains

Following the historic international deal agreed at the UN climate conference, COP21, and the news from Davos that climate change is the world’s most impactful risk1, major companies such as Royal Philips, Endesa, Pirelli, Nokia, BMW are establishing the extent to which impending climate regulation will impact their business. However, half their key suppliers fail to respond to requests for […] ... lees meer

World of business must play part in achieving new Sustainable Development Goals – UN chief

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
Speaking at the Global Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the world’s business community to play its full role in helping to achieve the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which seeks to eliminate poverty, hunger and a raft of social ills, all within 15 years. “I ask […] ... lees meer

RobecoSAM Publishes the Annual Sustainability Yearbook 2016

RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing, today announced the publication of The Sustainability Yearbook 2016. The Yearbook, which will be presented during InnoVatio Publishing’s launch of CSR Index 2016 at the WEF in Davos, Switzerland, on January 22, looks back at companies’ sustainability performance in 2015 and includes the best 15% per industry awarding them […] ... lees meer

Circular economy to have considerable benefits, but challenges remain

The environmental benefits of adopting a circular economy in Europe could be considerable – reducing waste, and minimising the continent’s heavy dependence on imports of raw materials. A new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) draws attention to both the benefits and challenges of such an economic transition. The report also describes […] ... lees meer

Report “The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics” launched

Applying circular economy principles to global plastic packaging flows could transform the plastics economy and drastically reduce negative externalities such as leakage into oceans, according to the latest report by the World Economic Forum and Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with analytical support from McKinsey & Company. The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics provides […] ... lees meer

The Roundtable For Product Social Metrics Is Now A Multi-Stakeholder Organisation

The Roundtable for Product Social Metrics is now moving forward as a multi-stakeholder organisation. With this step, the Roundtable is opening its doors to new participants, inviting interested companies, industry associations, NGOs, researchers and consultants to join the collaboration. Roundtable Milestones So Far In an earlier phase, the Roundtable for Product Social Metrics developed the […] ... lees meer

World’s largest food companies urged to step up efforts on global nutrition crisis

The world’s largest food and beverage companies have made some progress towards improving consumers’ diets but they still have a long way to go if they are to play their full part in tackling the mounting global nutrition crisis, a new report said today. With one in three people worldwide either overweight or undernourished, the Access To Nutrition Index […] ... lees meer

COP21 has large impact on the procurement strategies of companies

Following the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), Procurement departments are anticipating the impact of the Paris Climate Agreement on their strategies. This is the result of a Trending in Procurement survey carried out by Ivalua among  European procurement professionals on the occasion of the COP 21 held in Paris from 30th November to 11th […] ... lees meer

European remanufacturing industry estimated at €30bn with potential to triple by 2030

The European Remanufacturing Network (ERN) estimates the current size of the European remanufacturing industry to be just under €30bn, employing around 190,000 people. An extensive market study however shows that with supportive governmental policies and industry investments, the industry could grow to €90bn by 2030 and employ as many as 255,000 people. Europe’s manufacturing powerhouse […] ... lees meer

Interactive Guide on Natural Capital & Financial Institutions

VBDO and CREM present a unique interactive guide and self-assessment tool on natural capital for financial institutions. What is Natural Capital? Governments, companies and financial institutions are increasingly using the term natural capital to describe the goods and services provided by the natural world on which society and industry rely. Examples are natural resources such […] ... lees meer